Проект по английскому языку 6 класс на тему my favourite clothes картинки: Презентация по английскому языку на тему «Одежда» (6 класс) – Attention Required! | Cloudflare

Конспект урока в 6 классе «My favoutite shop»

Конспект урока по английскому языку в 6 классе.

It is my favourite shop.



-формирование коммуникативной компетенции

-осознание возможности самореализации средствами иностранного языка

-формирование мотивационной основы учебной деятельности, включающей социальные, учебно-познавательные и внешние мотивы;


-умение оценивать правильность выполнения учебной задачи, собственные возможности ее решения;
-владение основами самоконтроля, самооценки, принятия решений и осуществления осознанного выбора в учебной и познавательной деятельности;

-развитие ИКТ –компетенции;

-умение организовывать учебное сотрудничество; умение работать индивидуально и в парах.


-Умение выделять общие и существенные признаки;

-умение анализировать, строить логическое рассуждение.


-умение организовывать учебное сотрудничество и совместную деятельность с учителем и сверстниками

-владение устной и письменной речью;

-воспитывать уважительное отношение к мнению других.

Цель :

Формирование практических умений использовать полученные знания.


развитие навыков и умений во всех видах речевой деятельности;

— употребление в речи изученной лексики по теме;

-воспитание положительного отношения к традициям и обычаям других стран.

Организационный этап урока (1минута)

Good afternoon boys and girls. (учитель приветствует ребят)

Good afternoon teacher. (обучающие приветствуют учителя)

I am very glad to see you. Take your seats. If you have good mood please clap your hands. (учитель проверяет эмоциональный настрой)

Фонетическая разминка (1минута)

What date is it today? What day is it today? What is the weather today?, (учитель задает вопросы, подготавливая ребят к восприятию иноязычной речи)

Этап мотивации к учебной деятельности (4минуты)

Now let us watch a video and try to guess the topic of our lesson.

(Обучающие смотрят фильм, после выдвигают идеи по теме урока) (Презентация)

The topic of our lesson is shopping. It is my favourite shop.

What are the objects of the lesson? (учитель просит обучающихся определить цели. Обучающиеся выдвигают цели.)

Этап актуализации

Look at the desk and think what is necessary to do. (учитель просит детей сформулировать задание) (обучающиеся выдвигают идеи ,что им необходимо сделать. Соединяют слова с их значением и произносят их )

Match the words















All nouns can be countable and uncountable. Let us divide them into two groups. (Обучающиеся делят существительные на исчисляемые и неисчисляемые) (1мин)

And now let us play for a change. (учитель предлагает поиграть в съедобное-несъедобное) (1мин)

Этап самостоятельной работы (4мин)

Look at your desks. You have a card. Match please the columns. (учитель предлагает выполнить задание на карточке- соединить продукты с емкостями, обучающиеся работают самостоятельно и сдают карточки для проверки)

Match the columns

A loaf of


A carton of


A bottle of


A packet of


A can of


A jar of


A bar of


A box of


Физминутка . (1мин)

Let us have a rest and sing a song “head and shoulders” (Обучающиеся поют песню)

Этап работы с текстом и проектной деятельности .(10минут)

Are you ready for shopping? Let us divide into 3 groups. Every group has the card with a text. Read and find information for your project. Here are the questions.

Text 1

Every day I go to the dairy to buy milk. This shop is called “Funny farm”

The shop works from 9 a. m. till 7 p. m. o clock. The salespersons are nice and polite here.

You can buy here milk, butter, chesse and eggs. Milk costs about 45 rubles.

You can find different types of chesse . It is not very expensive. The address of the dairy is Garden Street 56. Welcome to the dairy and you will be surprised by the prices.

Text 2

Usually my family goes to the greengrocer`s which is near our house at Green Street 25. It is very comfortable to go there. The name of the shop is “Happy fruit”. Fruit and vegetables are always fresh there. The salespersons always help you. You can buy apples, oranges, bananas, tomatoes, potatoes, onions and etc. The prices are not high. For example a kilo of apples is about 80 rubles, a kilo of tomatoes costs about 100 rubles. The shop works from 10 a. m. till 8 p. m. o clock.

Text 3

Every Sunday my family goes to the butcher`s to buy fresh meat. It works from 8 a.m. till 6 p.m. It is called “Taste and fresh”.

When you come here you meet very friendly salespersons. They help to choose good meat and sausages. You can buy different types of meat for example beef, pork, chicken, turkey and etc. I like the prices. Meat is not expensive. You pay about 200 rubles for beef and pork. Chicken is 120 rubles.

The shop is at Lenina Street 14. You are welcome.

(Учитель предлагает прочитать текст и найти информацию для своего проекта. Обучающиеся читают текст и выполняют проект , на слайде отражены ключевые моменты проекта)

Этап презентации проектов. (6мин)

Time is over. Show please your projects. (обучающиеся презентуют проекты, используя ИКТ)

Этап рефлексии (4мин)

Well done! Your works are good! Now we appreciate the projects.

(Обучающиеся оценивают работу других групп, работу членов своей группы и свою работу)Книга отзывов и предложений

Book reviews

“Happy fruit”

“Funny farm”

“Fresh and tasty”


Реклама магазина

Доступность материала

Желание посетить магазин

Домашнее задание (1мин)

Составить кроссворд

Конспект урока английского языка «Проект Моя любимая одежда»

Тема урока: « My favourite clothes »

Проект «Моя любимая одежда»

Цель: Закрепить у учащихся лексику по теме «Clothes».

Тип урока

: урок-закрепление материала.

Задачи: 1. Обеспечить работу по формированию лексических навыков:

— обеспечить отработку лексики по теме;

— обеспечить использование активной лексики по теме в серии речевых упражнений.

2. Практиковать учащихся в умении:

-делать краткие сообщения о различных видах одежды;

— выражать свое отношение к прочитанному.

3. Формировать представление учащихся о сочетаемости различных видов одежды.

Основные образовательные объекты: доска, плакаты с изображением одежды, карточки с лексикой по теме, учебник Кузовлева за 6 класс.

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент.

Teacher: Good morning, pupils! Sit down, please. Who is on duty today?

: I am.

Teacher: Kate, who is absent today?

Катя Андреева: Nobody is absent today.

Teacher: Very good, sit down please.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

На доске написана скороговорка. Учитель читает ее сперва полностью, затем по одному слову, ученики повторяют за ним. Затем учитель спрашивает учащихся по-очереди прочитать скороговорку:

Buzy buzzing bumble beez.

3. Повторение материала.

Today at the lesson we will find out what your favourite clothes is and what clothes you don’t like to wear. Please, tell me what kinds of clothes do you know?

Учащиеся по-очереди отвечают. Варианты ответов записываются на доске:





Примечание: к доске прикреплены плакаты с изображением одежды и обуви: носки, платья, футболки, свитера, кроссовки, туфли, брюки, спортивный костюм, пиджак, топ, джинсы. (работа в группах)


Учащиеся получают карточки, касающиеся темы,

Clothes [] одежда

shirt [] рубашка

T-shirt [] футболка

skirt [] юбка

blouse [] блузка

sweater [] свитер

jacket [] пиджак

boots [] кроссовки

shoes [] ботинки

trainers [] спортивная обувь

tracksuit [] спортивный костюм

rucksack [] рюкзак

socks [] носки

earrings [] серьги

top [] топ, верх

cotton [] хлопок

woolen [] шерсть

silk [] шелк

Ученики повторяют произношение слов за преподавателем.

So, pupils, well done. Now tell me please, what your favourite clothes is.

Примечание: На доске написана фраза: My favourite clothes are…

Teacher: Саша, what is your favourite clothes?

Саша: My favourite clothes are shirts and trousers.

Teacher: That is very good. Женя, what is your favourite clothes?

Женя: My favourite clothes are skirts and blouses.

Учитель спрашивает всех учеников по-очереди.

Teacher: Now, pupils, tell me, what clothes you don’t like to wear.

Примечание: На доске написана фраза: I don’t like to wear…

Teacher: Коля, what clothes you don’t like to wear?

Коля: I don’t like to wear trousers and shoes.

Teacher: Well, what about you, Люба?

Люба: I don’t like to wear jeans and boots.

Учитель спрашивает всех учеников по-очереди.


Работа в группах: найти ответ на вопрос: What is your favourite clothes?


Now, pupils, we will have a rest and do some exercises. Stand up, please, and repeat after me:

Hands up,

Clap, clap.

Hands on the hips, step, step.

Bend your left, bend your right,

Turn yourself around,

Hands up,

Hands down,

Hands to the sides,

Sit down.

Примечание: Зарядка повторяется 2 раза.


6. Объяснение домашнего задания.

Well, pupils, open your record books and write down your hometask. At home you are to learn new words by heart.

7. Обобщение пройденного материала.

Well, children, today you worked rather hard and now tell me, please, what new information have you learnt?

Ученики отвечают:

We learnt new words.

That is very good, indeed. So, marks for the lesson are Now, the lesson is over, you may be free, good-bye.

My favourite clothes — презентация, доклад, проект

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проект по английскому языку my favourite shop(6 класс)

Тема: Мой любимый магазин. Напиши на русском языке простыми предложениями, а затем переведешь на английский. Начни с того, что Меня зовут Татьяна, мне …лет. Мне нравится ходить по магазинам и т. д.

. At weekends I often go shopping with my parents. We visit the nearest hypermarket and some other stores in the same building. This hypermarket, which is called “Lenta”, is my favourite shop, because we can find all the necessary things in one place. We buy fresh food, presents, stationery, household appliances and many other items there. We don’t even need to go to the bakery or grocery, as everything can be found in this huge shop. At first sight it reminds a large storage of vital items. Last week we bought swimming suits and sandals for the beach holiday. We also bought a new vacuum-cleaner, as the old one broke down. As you see, hypermarket offers a wide range of products. My parents say that there weren’t any supermarkets and hypermarkets in their childhood. They had to go to several places to buy various products. In my opinion, such stores are simply indispensablein each city or town. They have lots of advantages. First of all, you can buy everything you need at one place. Secondly, hypermarkets often offer discounts or sales opportunities. Thirdly, I like the shopping carts in hypermarkets. They are of great help when we buy lots of things. In the same building there is an exchange booth, a chemist’s, a dry-cleaner’s and a travel agency. In case we have heavy bags, we call a taxi to come and pick us up.

перевод можно

В выходные я часто хожу по магазинам с моими родителями. Заезжаем в ближайший гипермаркет и некоторые другие магазины в этом же здании. Это гипермаркет, который называется “лента”, это мой любимый магазин, потому что мы можем найти все необходимые вещи в одном месте. Мы покупаем свежие продукты, подарки, канцтовары, бытовую технику и многие другие предметы. Нам даже не надо идти в булочную или бакалею, так как все можно найти в этом огромном магазине. С первого взгляда он напоминает большой запас жизненно важных элементов. На прошлой неделе мы купили купальники и сандалии для пляжного отдыха. Мы тоже купили новый пылесос, так как старый сломался. Как вы видите, гипермаркет предлагает широкий ассортимент товаров. Мои родители говорят, что не было никаких супермаркетов и гипермаркетов в детстве. Они должны были пройти в нескольких местах, чтобы купить различные продукты. На мой взгляд, такие магазины просто indispensablein каждом городе или городке. Они имеют много преимуществ. Во-первых, вы можете купить все необходимое в одном месте. Во-вторых, гипермаркеты часто предлагают скидки или распродажи возможностей. В-третьих, мне нравится тележками в гипермаркетах. Они являются большим подспорьем, когда мы покупаем много вещей. В этом же здании есть пункт обмена валют, аптека, химчистка и туристическое агентство. В случае, если у нас есть тяжелые сумки, мы вызываем такси, чтобы приехать и забрать нас.

помогите зделать проект на тему: шопинги в россии

я люблю спорт и т. д и т. п

Она тупа списала

Топики (тематические тексты) для школьников 5, 6 класс. Часть 2

Топики (тематические тексты) для тех, кто изучает английский язык в школе (5-6 класс). Вторая часть (продолжение). В первой части вы найдете Тексты (топики) по следующим темам: About myself. My family. My friends. My school. My birthday. My day. How I help about the house. My hobby. My pet. К каждому тексту предлагаются слова для повторения темы, вопросы и задания.

Тексты (топики) 10-21:
  1. Мои любимые животные. My favourite animals.
  2. Моя любимая книга. My favourite book.
  3. Времена года и погода. Seasons and weather.
  4. Зимние каникулы. Winter holidays.
  5. Летние каникулы. Summer holidays.
  6. Поход в каникулы. Camping Holidays.
  7. Еда и витамины. Food and Vitamins
  8. Спорт. Sport.
  9. Одежда. Clothes
  10. Соединенное Королевство. The UK.
  11. Лондон. London

* * *

Тексты (топики) на английском языке (5-6 класс). Часть 2

Тext 11. My Favourite Animals

I like animals. I can see wild animals at the Zoo. It is interesting to watch monkeys, elephants, crocodiles, foxes, bears and other animals.
I like films about animals. I have read a lot of books about bears because I like bears most of all.
Bears are huge. They can be white and brown. The white bear eats fish. It lives in the Arctic. The brown bear lives in the woods. It likes honey and sleeps in the lair (берлоге) sucking its paw in winter.

 * * *

Text 12. My Favorite Book

I like reading because I learn a lot of interesting things from books. But most of all I like adventure stories.

My favourite book is «The Adventure of Tom Sawyer» by Mark Twain. It is a story about an American boy and his friends. Tom is inventive and brave. He is always full of ideas. He has a lot of adventures on the Mississippi River.

The book teaches us to be kind and friendly, honest and brave, to be a true friend.

I really enjoyed the book.

 * * *

Text 13. Seasons and Weather in Russia

Winter, spring, summer, autumn are the seasons of the year.

December, January and February are winter months. The weather is cold. It usually snows. The days are short and the nights are long. The rivers and lakes freeze and we can go skating and skiing.

March, April and May are spring months. Spring is a nice season. The weather is warm. There are many green trees in the streets and in the parks. The sun shines brightly. The birds sing songs everywhere.

June, July and August are summer months. In summer it is usually hot. The sky is blue. The days are long and the nights are short. There are many flowers in the parks and gardens. There are many berries in the forests.

September, October and November are autumn months. The weather is cool. It often rains.  The days become shorter and the nights become longer. The birds prepare to fly to the South. You can see yellow, red and brown leaves on the trees.

Text 14. Winter Holidays

I like winter because I have long winter holidays. They start on the 29th of December and last till the 10th of January.

The weather is usually fine. There is a lot of snow everywhere.

During winter holidays I have a lot of free time. I don’t have to get up early and go to school. I like to skate and ski.

Sometimes I go to my country house and meet my friends there. We spend a lot of time in the open air, go to the forest, build snowcastles and play snowballs. If it is cold, I usually stay at home. I read books, watch TV or play computer games.

Also I like my winter holidays because we have a happy day – New Year’s Day on the 1st of January and I get presents.

Sometimes my parents and I travel during winter holidays. Last year we visited Suzdal. We stayed in a hotel for three days. I saw many places of interest in Suzdal: wooden houses, beautiful churches and monasteries. It was a very impressive trip.

I like my winter holidays very much.

 * * *

Text 15. Summer Holidays

I like summer holidays very much. In summer it is warm and I have a lot of free time in the open air. I usually spend June at the seaside.

In June I usually go to a camp. I like spending time there. We play sports, swim in the river and go to different clubs. There is a forest near the camp and we always make a campfire once a week.

In July my parents have a vacation and we go to the seaside. Usually we go to the Black Sea. I like to swim in the sea and spend time on the beach.

In August my parents go to work and I go to the country. We have a country house where my grandparents live. I help them in the garden. I pick up apples and plums, water vegetables. We often go fishing with my grandad or pick up mushrooms in the forest. I have a lot of friends there. We ride bicycles or play games. I have a nice time in the country.

Summer is my favourite season and I enjoy my summer holidays very much.

 * * *

Text 16. Camping on Holidays

Last summer I went camping with my dad. We took rucksacks, two sleeping bags, a tent, a map, a compass, torches, and, of course, matches.

First, we got on a train. When we got off the train, we walked through the woods to the lake. Then we put up a tent and made a campfire. We caught a lot of fish and cooked it on the fire. I slept well and mosquitoes didn’t bite me.

I enjoyed the day very much.

 * * *

Text 17. Еда и витамины. Food and Vitamins

People need vitamins to stay healthy. The word «vitamins» comes from the word «vita». «Vita» means life in Latin. People get vitamins from food they eat. There are a lot of vitamins in fruit and vegetables. Each vitamin is responsible for diffeent things in human body. For example, vitamin A is necessary for eyes. Vitamin B is necessary for the nervous system. Vitamin C is important for bones and teeth.

To stay healthy you should eat healthy food. But unhealthy food is tasty because it has a lot of sugar or fat. Also it has no vitamins. For example, there is no vitamins in Coke, chips or fast food.

* * *

Text 18. Спорт. Sport

I like sport. That’s why my favourite lesson is P.E.

My favourite sport is …………. (your variant). I play for my school team.  We are a good team. We often win in competitions.  It is not easy (легко) to win.

Every day I go to the gym and practise.  I also go to the sports club. Every morning I run in the park with my friends.

I want to be a sportsman because I like to win.

 * * *

Text 19. Одежда. Clothes

People wear different clothes.

When it is cold, people wear coats, jumpers, trousers  and boots. When it is hot, people wear T-shirts, shorts and light dresses.

Some people like to wear comfortartable clothes, others prefer fashionable one.  There are clothes for boys and girls, for men and women. But everybody likes to wear jeans.

Also there are clothes for sport. It is a tracksuit and trainers.

As for me, I like to wear _____ (your variant). I always wear________when ________ (your variant).

* * *

Тext 20. Соединенное королевство. The UK

The UK is situated on the British Isles. It has 4 parts: England, Scotland, Wales and the Northern Ireland.

England, Scotland, Wales are called Great Britain and are situated on the island called Great Britain, too.

The climate of Great Britain is mild. England and Ireland consist mainly of plains. Scotland and Wales have mountains.

There are many rivers in Great Britain. The main river is the Thames. The longest river is the Severn.

The capital of the UK is London but there are many beautiful towns and villages.

* * *

Тext 21. Лондон. London
There is a saying: If a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.

London is the capital of Great Britain. It is a very old city. It is about 2 thousand years old.

London stands on the river Thames. It is a large port.

London has got three parts: the City, the West End and the East End. The City of London is the oldest part of London. There are offices and banks there. The West End has a lot of places of interest and is always full of people.

The most famous places of interest are:

  • the Buckingham Palace
  • the Westminster Abbey
  • the Houses of Parliament
  • the Tower

There are many beautiful squares in London. The Trafalgar Square is the most famous one. It is in the center of London.

London is rich in parks. The most famous parks are:

There are many theatres, museums and art galleries in London. The most well-known of them are:

  • the National Gallery
  • the Tate Gallery
  • the British Museum
  • Madam Tussaud’s Museum

London is worth visiting.

* * *

Задания и вопросы к текстам на английском языке (5-6 класс)

Text 11. My Favourite Animals

1. Complete the text with the words dangerous, friendly, sharp, huge (large), delicious, fast, body, skin, legs.

  1. The shark is a sea animal. It is  very ________. It can kill other sea animals and people with its _______ teeth. It’s got a ______, long body and rough _____. Half of its _____ is white and half is black.
  2. The dolpin is a sea animal, too. It is very _______ and it loves to swim in front of _____boats. It’s got a long, thin body and smooth _____. It’s got over one hundred teeth.
  3. The crab has got a shell on its body and ten _____legs. They have got two ______ claws for fighting. They are a very _______ meal for octopuses, fish, seals and people.

Упражнение.Перепишите текст, заменив выделенные слова, используя прилагательные из рамки:

large    friendly    delicious    long    dangerous    huge

Прилагательные big, good, bad, nice —  очень простые. При описании лучше использовать более интересные слова: large    friendly    delicious    long    dangerous    huge

Прочитайте текст ниже и замените прилагательные big, good, bad, nice на более интересные.

ПРИМЕР. Crabs have got a shell on their bodies and ten long legs.


Crabs have got a shell on their bodies and ten big legs. They have got two big claws for fighting. They are a very good meal for octopuses, fish, seals and people.

Whales are big sea animals. They aren’t bad animals and usually they’re very nice to people.

2. Answer the questions, using the words the mountains, the river, the desert, the Arctic, the jungle, the ocean, keep as a pet.

  1. Where do lions live?
  2. Where do whales live?
  3. Where do wolves live?
  4. Where do crocodiles live?
  5. Where do snakes live ?
  6. Where do the polar bear live?
  7. Say what pets your friends and relatives have.
  8. What is your favourite animal?
  9. Can you decribe an animal?
  10. Do you think it is good to keep animals in the zoo? Why? Why not?

* * *

Text 12. My Favourite Book

1.1. Complete the letter with the words: favourite, character, adventures, sailor.

Dear Sam,

Thank you for your letter.

Guess what I would like to write about? It is a book which I read last month. It is «Robinson Crusoe» by Daniel Defo. The main _____ is a man who lived on a deserted island (необитаемый остров) for many years. He had a lot of ______  but the plot is based on a real story of a ______.

You know, I like reading books. One of my ______ book is «Harry Potter.»

And what about you? Do you like reading? What is your favourite book?

Write to me!

Best wishes,

1.2. Complete the text.

  • find the murderer — найти убийцу
  • using his deductive reasoning — используя метод «дедукции» (нахождение решения по заданным фактам)

This summer I’ve read a book by Conan Doyle.  Its ______ is  “The Hound of the Baskerville”. Conan Doyle is a _______ writer. He wrote _______stories. I liked this book ______from the very beginning. The main ________ of the book are Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. The ______of this book is very exciting. Sherlock Holmes was a ______ detective and found the murderer using his deductive reasoning.  I enjoy the way he did it very much.

I began to read this book in June and ______it in August. It was very ______ for me to read this book, because I learnt many new English words. Now I’m going to read one more English book.


2. Answer the questions:

  1. Do you like reading?
  2. What kind of books do you like (prefer) reading?
  3. Can you name the titles of some stories?
  4. Do you like travel books? Why? Why not?
  5. Have you got any favourite books, authors or favourite characters?
  6. Have you got a favourite writer?
  7. Who is your favourite writer?
  8. Did you like fairy tales when you were little?
  9. What kinds of book do you dislike? Why?

* * *

Text 13. Seasons and Weather

1. Complete the text.

There are 4 _____ in the year: winter, spring, summer, autumn.  In Russia ______ three winter months.  They are ______, ______ and February. Spring months are _____ , ______ and May. Summer months are ____, ____ and August. Autumn months are ____, ___ and November. My favourite season is summer because I like to _______ in the river. I like to _____ a bike, too.  It is sunny and ______ in summer. And I have _______ holidays. It’s great!

2. Answer the questions:

  1. How many seasons are there in a year?
  2. Name the seasons. (Назови……)
  3. What season is between (между) winter and summer?
  4. What season is it now?
  5. What is your favourite season? Why?
  6. How many months are there in a year?
  7. Name summer months (winter months, etc.)
  8. What month is it now?
  9. What month comes after May? before August?
  10. What is your favourite month? Why?
  11. What month do you have your birthday?
  12.  What is the first month of winter? of summer?
  13. When does spring start in Russia? in Great Britain?
  14. When does autumn finish in Russia? in Great Britain?
  15. What month does the school year in Russia start (finish)?

* * *

Text 14. Winter Holidays

1. Complete the text. Use the words: at  home, made, skate, holidays, skied, snowbals, enjoyed, fine.

I spent my winter_______________in the country. The weather was ___________.

I ______________in the forest. My friend and I went to the river to __________. Sometimes we played _____________ and ______________snowmen.

When it was cold I stayed______________, read books, ______TV. I _______my winter holidays.

2. Answer the questions:


* * *

Text 15. Summer Holidays

1. Read the poem. Then say why children like holidays. Use the poem.

No grammar in summer,
No lessons, no tests,
No English, no Maths, no P.E.
Just rivers and lakes,
Swimming, bathing and sailing
in the deep blue sea!

2. Complete the text.

In Russia children have holidays in spring, summer autumn and winter. Summer holidays are the _________. They begin in June and _______ in August.

I like summer holidays ______. My parents, my sister and me like to travel. Russia is a big _______ and has a lot of interesting places to ______.

I want to ______you about my last holiday.

Contunue talking. Use the questions as a plan.

3. Answer the questions:

  1. Where did you go on your last holidays?
  2. When was it?
  3. Who did you go with?
  4. How did you get there?
  5. Where did you stay?
  6. How long did you stay?
  7. What did you do all day?
  8. What did you do in the evening?
  9. Did you enjoy your holidays?
  10. What activity did you enjoy most of all?

* * *

Text 16. Camping

1. Complete the text.

Mr Lake and Mr River love outdoor activities and canoeing is their favourite. Last summer they ______ canoeing in France. They took a lot of ________with them. Mr Lake took _________and Mr River took __________ and a tent. One day they decided to spend a night in a beautiful forest by a lake. They left the _______on the lake but they forgot to tie it up to a tree. Then they _______the tent. Mr Lake went to the forest because he wanted to find some _____ for a fire. Next Mr River made a _______ and cooked some fish. After the meal they went to ______.  There was a terrible storm that night but Mr Lake and Mr River didn’t wake up. In the morning they went to the lake but their canoe wasn’t there. Then they saw their _______ in the lake. Their paddles, helmets and life jackets were in the canoe. Luckily (К счастью), their mobiles were with them and they could call for help.

2. Answer the questions:

  1. Do you often go camping?
  2. When did you go camping last time?
  3. Where did you go?
  4. Who did you go with?
  5. What things did you take with you?
  6. How did you get there?
  7. Where did you make a camp?
  8. How long did you stay there?
  9. Did you cook food on a fire?
  10. Did you sleep in a tent?
  11. Did you sleep well? Why? Why not?
  12. What did you do all day?
  13. What did you do in the evening?
  14. Do you like camping? Why?

* * *

Text 17. Food

1. Complete the text.

My favourite food is ………… . I would like to eat ……………. twice a day.

I  (don’t ) like………………  I usually (never) eat ……………………..for breakfast.

I like fruit very much. Fruit is healthy.  There are a lot of vitamins in ______, ________, ________.

2. Answer the questions:

  1. What do you usually have for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
  2. What is your favourite food?
  3. What food don’t you like?

* * *

Text 18. Sports

1. Complete the text.


2. Answer the questions:

  1. Do you like sport?
  2. What sport do you play (do)?
  3. Where do you prefer doing sport: in the staduim or in the gym?
  4. Do you play for your school team?
  5. Does your team often win?
  6. Where do you practise?
  7. Who is the captain of your team?
  8. Who is the best (the worst) player?
  9. Do you like your P.E. lessons?
  10. Do you go to sport clubs?
  11. What sports games can you play?
  12. Why is it good to be fit?
  13. What is your favourite sport to watch?
  14. Do you go to matches?
  15. Do you watch sport on TV?

* * *

Text 19. Clothes

1. Complete the text.


2. Answer the questions:

  1. What do you wear when it is cold?
  2. What do you wear when it is hot?
  3. What do you wear when you go to P. E. lesson?
  4. What do you wear when you go to school?

* * *

Text 20. The UK

1. Complete the text.

The UK or Great Britain is situated on the British Isles. There are ________ countries in the UK: England, Scotland, ________ and Northern Ireland. London is the capital of the _______. It is also the capital of ________. <…>

2. Answer the questions:

  1. Where is the UK?
  2. What is the capital of the UK?
  3. What is the capital of England?
  4. How many countries are there in the UK?
  5. What are the countries?

* * *

Text 21. London

1. Complete the text.

  1. be founded by Romans — основан римлянами
  2. Thames — Темза
  3. Buckingham — Букингемский


London is the _______of England and the UK. It is one of the most __________ cities in the UK. It was founded by Romans. London ______on the river Thames. The English Queen lives in London. She lives in Buckingham _______.

There are a lot of historical buildings,  ______ and _______ in London. Millions of _______ from different countries visit the city every year. They go sightseeing, ______souvenirs and enjoy traditional meals. The most famous London ______ are Big Ben, the Tower of London and London Eye.


  • take part in — принимать участие в
  • make speeches — говорить речи (высказывать свое мнение)

London is ______  in parks and gardens. London’s parks are ______  of trees, grass and flowers. They are free for visitors.

Each park is something special. Hyde Park is the largest park. It is _______ for its Speaker’s Corner (уголок оратора). There you can make a speech about what you like.

St. James Park is famous for the ______of  Buckingham Palace. This park is very beautiful with its flower beds.

In all London’s parks you can take part in different activities. Londoners love their parks and ______ of them.

2. Answer the questions:

  1. Is London an old city?
  2. What is London like?
  3. What London’s sights would you like to visit?
  4. Would you like to see Big Ben?
  5. What is Big Ben like?
  6. What is Buckingham Palace famous for?
  7. What London’s parks do you know?
  8. What each of them famous for?
  9. Would you like to visit London?
  10. What would you do in London?
This entry was posted in Тексты на английском языке для разных уровней and tagged Топики 5-7 класс.

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