Святые женские имена в декабре: Женские именины в декабре – Имена в день ангела для девочек рожденных в декабре 2020 года, женские декабрьские святцы

Имена девочек в декабре 2020 – Женские именины в декабре по церковному календарю (святцам)


Святцы для девочек, рожденных в декабре

Предлагаем вашему вниманию список женских именин в декабре по церковному православному календарю.

3 декабря
Анна, Татьяна, Фекла.

5 декабря

7 декабря
Августина, Екатерина, Катарина.

8 декабря

10 декабря

11 декабря
Анисия, Анна, Прасковья.

15 декабря
Антонина, Вера, Маргарита, Мария, 
Матрена, Мирра, Тамара, Феврония.

16 декабря

17 декабря
Анастасия, Варвара, Екатерина, 
Катарина, Кира, Ульяна, Юлиана.

21 декабря

22 декабря
Анна, Ефросинья.

23 декабря
Александра, Ангелина, Анна, 

Евдокия, Евлалия, Татьяна, Фекла.

26 декабря
Анастасия, Люция.

28 декабря

29 декабря

31 декабря
Вера, Елизавета, Зоя, София.

Женские имена в ноябре принято давать по церковному календарю, основываясь на смягчении характера. Подбирая имя, стоит отдавать предпочтение тому варианту, который раскроет благородство и рассудительность человека. Удачно выбранное имя сможет подарить своей избраннице такие характеристики, как: оптимистичность, искренность, жизнерадостность, заряд энергии и позитив.

Особенности характера

Женщины, рожденные в ноябре, жадны к деньгам и весьма корыстны.  Расчетливые и завистливые, идущие на пролом, вот так можно описать среднестатистическую женщину, рожденную в последний осенний месяц. Сложно описать преимущества их характера, поскольку большинство в них заложено отрицательного. Они не прощают обид и не успокоятся, пока не отомстят обидчику. Они любят гулять за чужой счет, а когда приходит время личных растрат, всегда скупы, но только не в плане себя. Для себя любимых границ и отказов нет.

Самоуверенность и самовлюбленность свойственна девочкам с самого юного возраста. В семье они берут бразды правления в свои руки, и отчасти станут подавлять партнера, чтобы тот чувствовал себя под колпаком. Характер таких детей сложно предугадать, часть из них становятся мудрецами, а некоторые глупыми, кто-то гуманный, а кто-то материалист.

С ними легко и интересно в общении, но наступив им на хвост, стоит бояться злой расплаты. Они упрямы и безжалостны, не подвластны моральным и общественным устоям. Они очень активны по жизни, не любят сидеть на месте и предпочитают систематически путешествовать. Из них получаются высококвалифицированные психологи, философы и педагоги, с уникальным чувством справедливости.

Находясь под систематическим влиянием судьбы, им легко удается найти выход из любой сложившейся ситуации.

Какие имена подходят?

Женские именины в ноябре отмечают особы, рожденные под двумя сложными знаками скорпиона и стрельца. Наиболее распространенные имена девочек в ноябре:

  • Арина;
  • Ирина;
  • Матрена;
  • Анна;
  • Елизавета;
  • Пелагея;
  • Ефросинья;
  • Матрена;
  • Капитолина;
  • Прасковья;
  • Мария;
  • Агата;
  • Светлана;
  • Евдокия;
  • Евстолия;
  • Клавдия;
  • Александра;
  • Агриппина;
  • Ольга;
  • Виктория и так далее.

Давая имя дочери по Святцу, стоит учитывать, что не обязательно у ребенка будут все присущие святому качества. Основа характера закладывается в ребенке родителями еще в процессе его рождения.

Православные женские святцы в другие месяцы:

Женские именины в 2020 году – Православные имена для девочек по церковному календарю

Православные женские имена

Список православных церковных имен для девочек по датам со значениями:

Александра — защита людей
Именины: 22 марта, 2 апреля, 6 мая, 31 мая, 17 июля, 13 октября, 19 ноября, 23 декабря

Алина — другая, чужая
Именины: не празднует.

Алиса — благородная
Именины: не празднует.

Алла — окутанный теплом звук колокола
Именины: и день Ангела празднует 8 апреля.

Анастасия — воскресающая
Именины: 4 января, 23 марта, 5 апреля, 28 апреля, 10 мая, 1 июня, 9 июня, 4 июля, 17 июля, 10 августа, 11 ноября, 12 ноября, 26 декабря

Ангелина — ангельская
Именины: 14 июля, 12 августа, 12 сентября, 23 декабря

Анжела — ангельская
Именины: 4 января

Анна — благодать
Именины Анны: 11 января, 3 февраля, 16 февраля, 17 февраля, 23 февраля, 26 февраля, 11 марта, 14 марта, 8 апреля, 13 апреля, 11 мая, 23 июня, 25 июня, 26 июня, 18 июля, 3 августа, 5 августа, 7 августа, 29 августа, 10 сентября, 22 сентября, 11 октября, 15 октября, 4 ноября, 10 ноября, 11 ноября, 16 ноября, 23 ноября, 27 ноября, 3 декабря, 11 декабря, 22 декабря, 23 декабря

Антонина — Вступающая в бой
Именины Антонины: 22 января, 30 января, 14 марта, 20 марта, 23 июня, 26 июня, 10 августа.


Валентина — здоровая
Именины Валентина: празднует – 23 февраля, 29 июля

Валерия — Крепкая
Именины Валерия: празднует – 6 мая, 20 июня.

Варвара — дикарка
Именины Варвара: справляет – 11 января, 7 марта, 18 июля, 17 декабря

Василиса — властительница
Именины Василисы: 21 января, 18 февраля, 23 марта, 4 апреля, 28 апреля, 29 апреля, 4 июля, 16 сентября

Вера — вера
Именины Вера: праздует – 26 февраля, 14 июня, 30 сентября, 14 октября, 31 декабря


— победоносная
Именины Вероники: 26 июля, 17 октября

Виктория — победа
Именины Виктория: празднует – 24 октября


Галина — спокойствие, безмятежность
Именины Галины: 23 февраля, 23 марта, 29 апреля


Дарья — победительница
Именины: 14 марта, 1 апреля, 4 апреля, 17 августа, 18 августа


Евгения — благородная
Именины Евгении: 6 января, 18 января, 1 августа, 12 сентября

Екатерина — чистая
Именины Екатерины: 5 февраля, 20 сентября, 7 декабря, 17 декабря

Елена — Избранная, светлая
Именины Елены: празднуются по датам- 28 января, 19 марта, 3 июня, 8 июня, 24 июля, 10 августа, 12 ноября

Елизавета — обет Богу
Именины Елизаветы: – 5 февраля, 18 июля, 12 сентября, 18 сентября, 21 октября, 4 ноября, 14 ноября, 20 ноября, 31 декабря


Зинаида — рожденная Зевсом
Именины: – 20 июня, 24 октября


Ирина — Мир, покой
Именины Ирины: – 12 января, 16 января, 26 февраля, 7 марта, 29 апреля, 18 мая, 26 мая, 10 августа, 17 августа, 22 августа, 1 октября


Клавдия — хромая

: – 6 января, 2 апреля, 31 мая, 19 ноября

Кристина — посвященная Христу
Именины: – 19 февраля, 26 марта, 31 мая, 13 июня, 6 августа, 18 августа

Ксения — иностранка, гостья
Именины: – 31 января, 6 февраля, 26 августа, 15 сентября


Лариса — приятная, сладкая
Именины Ларса: празднует – 8 апреля

Лидия — Жительница Лидии
Именины Лидии: – 5 апреля

Любовь — Любимая
Именины: – 30 сентября

Любмила — Милая людям
Именины: – 28 сентября, 29 сентября


Маргарита — Жемчужина

Именины: – 30 июля, 15 декабря

Марина — Морская
Именины Марины: – 13 марта, 30 июля

Мария — Горькая, любимая, упрямая
Именины Марии: – 8 января, 12 января, 31 января, 8 февраля, 19 февраля, 25 февраля, 2 марта, 20 марта, 2 апреля, 14 апреля, 25 апреля, 17 мая, 5 июня, 11 июня, 15 июня, 17 июня, 20 июня, 22 июня, 24 июня, 25 июня,
17 июля, 4 августа, 18 августа, 22 августа, 28 сентября, 11 октября, 21 октября, 15 декабря


Надежда — Надежда
Именины Надежды: – 4 февраля, 14 марта, 20 марта, 30 сентября, 21 октября

Наталья — Родная
Именины Натальи: – 11 января, 22 марта, 31 марта, 8 сентября, 14 сентября

Нина — Царственная, великая
Именины: – 27 января, 14 мая, 19 ноября


Оксана — Гостья
Именины: – 31 января, 6 февраля, 26 августа, 15 сентября

Ольга — Святая
Именины: – 10 февраля, 6 марта, 14 марта, 17 июля, 24 июля, 23 ноября


Полина — Солнечная
Именины: – 18 января


Раиса — Покорная, уступчивая, легкая
Именины: – 18 сентября, 6 октября


Светлана — Светлая
Именины Светланы: – 26 февраля, 2 апреля


— Мудрость
Именины: – 28 февраля, 1 апреля, 4 июня, 17 июня, 30 сентября, 1 октября, 29 декабря, 31 декабря


Таисия — Принадлежащая богине Изиде
Именины Таисии: – 4 апреля, 23 мая, 21 октября

Тамара — Смоковница
Именины: – 14 мая, 15 декабря

Татьяна — Устроительница
Именины Татьяны: – 18 января, 25 января, 17 июля, 14 сентября, 23 сентября, 3 октября, 21 октября, 3 декабря, 23 декабря


Фаина — Сияющая
Именины: – 31 мая, 11 июня


Юлия — волнистая, пушистая
Именины Юлии: празднуют- 3 января, 15 января, 16 мая, 31 мая, 19 июля, 29 июля, 30 августа, 31 августа, 17 декабря.

Женские именины по месяцам


Церковные имена девочек 2020 женские календаря Святцев, имя девочке, женское, православное Святых

Женские церковные имена календаря Святцев, православное имя девочке

Церковный календарь имен для девочек по месяцам 2020 года, поможет определиться с православным женским именем Святцев девочке, выбрать святое имя родившейся дочери и то, которое подходит ей больше всего и в соответствии с канонизированными Церковью Святыми, назвать подходящим по дате рождения именем дочурку.

Церковные имена девочек, женские календаря Святцев, имя девочке, женское дочке, православное 2020 года

Церковные имена, будь оно женское или мужское имя, считаются те, которые канонизировала Церковь, а могут быть они как православными или католическими, таки и вариациями, например со светскими именами, греческими, славянскими, прочими. Если выбор родителей пал на имя новорожденному ребенку, которого нет в церковном календаре Святцев, священник подбирает им на выбор более близкое ему.

Из Православного календаря женских имен Святцев 2020 года новорожденным девочкам, родители смогут выбрать своей девочке церковное имя святых, узнать о значении выбранного и подходящего по их мнению ей имени, которым собираются ее назвать.

Сейчас многие родители возвращаются к былым традициям, отдают предпочтение не моде и новизне, давая ребенку модное и современное имя, а стремятся дать то своему ребенку, которое в большей степени отвечает национальной культуре и самым непосредственным образом связано с религией, Церковью.

Мы предложим церковный календарь женских имен на 2020 год, список на каждый месяц, где можно по значению выбрать то православное имя рожденной девочке, которое будет отвечать предъявляемым пожеланиям со стороны Церкви,  рекомендациям выбора имени вашей дочурке.




Из того списка церковных имен для девочек, предлагаемых далее и канонизированных Церковью, можно выбрать и очень красивое, как из числа древних и традиционных, так и более современных, очень даже необычных и симпатичных в своем названии, произношении, что наверняка понравится вашей дочери, когда она повзрослеет.

Те родители, кто принял решение дать своему ребенку, дочери или сыну церковное имя в честь какого-то святого должны понимать, что если они желают назвать новорожденного (новорожденную) таким именем при крещении, то оно с ними останется не только на всю их жизнь, но и после кончины, то есть его уже нельзя будет поменять, если вдруг им (мальчику или девочке во взрослом возрасте) того захочется.

Женские церковные имена календаря Святцев, православное имя девочке 2020


Как выбирают церковное имя родившемуся ребенку, девочке?

Выбор церковного имени (в честь какого-то Святого) для новорожденного ребенка (мальчика или девочки) достаточно прост, например — если в день его (ее) рождения, в православном календаре есть какой-то Святой, то это и есть его (ее) имя, если же нет, то выбирают ближайшее, но не далее чем за восемь (8) дней.




В списке женских имен церковного календаря Святцев рожденным в 2020 году девочкам, можно выбрать православное, красивое имя девочке со значением, а какое именно оно будет решать вам. Оно может быть как редким, необычным или сверх модным, современным и очень популярным, так и традиционным, русским, но главное то, чтобы оно подошло ей по ее темпераменту, выражало ее характер, помогало по жизни.

Выбрать церковное имя родившейся в 2020 году девочке, из числа православных календаря Святцев, списка самых редких женских имен или другое имя, это принципиальный и очень важный, едва ли не судьбоносный вопрос, очень ответственное мероприятие, к которому нужно подойти со всей серьезностью, чтобы и это как минимум, его носительница в будущем осталась благодарна вам за ваш выбор своего имени…

Православное имя девочке, женские имена календаря Святцев 2020 года

Православное имя девочке, женские имена календаря Святцев

В подготовленном списке женских имен православного календаря для рожденных в 2020 году девочек, можно выбрать церковное имя Святцев, а также красивые и редкие, как и современное из традиционных, что также модно в нынешнее время, то есть называть детей древними именами, старорусскими например, или каким-то еще, в вариации с греческими или славянскими.


Современные имена мальчиков 2020, мужское имя новорожденному
Русские имена мальчиков 2020, красивое русское имя новорожденному


Представляем православные имена девочкам, из списка женских новорожденным в 2020 году, церковное женское имя девочке календаря Святцев со значением и описанием, из числа предлагаемых на выбор Церковью, выбирайте…




Церковное имя девочке, женские имена Святцев в январе 2020 г.


Необычные имена девочек 2020, самое необычное женское имя


Церковное имя девочке, женские имена Святцев в феврале 2020 г.




Церковное имя девочке, женские имена Святцев в марте 2020 г.


Красивые имена для девочек 2020, красивое женское имя девочке


Церковное имя девочке, женские имена Святцев в апреле 2020 г.




Церковное имя девочке, женские имена Святцев в мае 2020 г.


Русские имена девочкам 2020, женское имя, древние, старорусские


Церковное имя девочке, женские имена Святцев в июне 2020 г.



Церковное имя девочке, женские имена Святцев в июле 2020 г.


Редкие имена девочек 2020, редкое женское имя рожденной дочке


Церковное имя девочке, женские имена Святцев в августе 2020 г.




Церковное имя девочке, женские имена Святцев в сентябре 2020 г.


Популярные имена для девочек 2020, список популярных женских


Церковное имя девочке, женские имена Святцев в октябре 2020 г.




Церковное имя девочке, женские имена Святцев в ноябре 2020 г.


Современные имена девочек 2020 года, современное женское имя


Церковное имя девочке, женские имена Святцев в декабре 2020 г.




Мусульманские имена девочек 2020, женское имя, красивые ислама
Татарские имена девочек 2020, женские красивые, список русско-татарских
Красивые имена мальчиков 2020, мужские, красивое имя мальчику
Мусульманские имена мальчиков 2020, мужские, красивые арабские


Православные женские имена девочке — Святое имя дочке календаря Святцев

О православных женских именах, какого Святого из церковного календаря Святцев можно дать новорожденной девочке в 2020 году, каким назвать свою дочь из списка имен на каждый день месяца, вот с чем ознакомились здесь папы и мамы, бабушки и дедушки, будущие братья и сестры, дяди и тети, все те, кто заинтересован и ответственен за выбор имени — удачного выбора и счастливой жизни вашей дочурке, внучке, племяннице с тем именем, которым вы ее назовете, а какое оно будет, необычное или обычное, это не столь важно, главное то, чтобы из нее получился хороший и порядочный человек!

Православные женские имена девочке - Святое имя календаря Святцев 2020




Именины 15 декабря: мужские и женские

По церковному православному календарю 15 декабря отмечается 28 именин: 20 мужских и 8 женских. Список именин поможет в выборе имени для мальчика или девочки, рожденных в этот день.

Алексейот древнегреческого имени Алексиос — «защитник»
Андрейот древнегреческого имени Андреас, происходящее от андрос — «мужчина», «человек»; также существует перевод «мужественный», «смелый», «отважный»
Афанасийот древнегреческого имени Атанасиос, происходящее от слова атанатос — «бессмертный»
Борисот старославянского имени Борислав — «борец», «славный в борьбе» от тюркского барыш — «выгода»
Владимирот древнерусского имени Володимѣръ — «володѣти» (владеть) + «мир» от древнескандинавского имени Valdimárr: valdr — «властелин, правитель» + mærr — «знаменитый, славный»
Вольдемарот немецких слов: waltan — «управлять, властвовать» и maren — «известный, великий», т. е. «знаменитый властитель» немецкий аналог имени Владимир — «владеющий миром»
Дмитрийот древнегреческого имени Деметриос — «посвящённый Деметре (богине плодородия)», «земледелец»
Иванот древнееврейского имени Йоханан — «Яхве милостив» от древнеиудейского Иоанн — «помилованный Богом»
Кириллот древнегреческого имени Кюриллос, происходящее от слова кюриос — «владыка, повелитель, господин, Господь» в переводе с персидского языка — «солнце»
Константинот латинского слова constans — «постоянный», «стойкий»
Кузьмаот греческого имени Космас — «кузнец»
Матвейот древнееврейского имени Матфей — «дарованный Богом», «дар Яхве (Бога)», «Божий человек»
Николайот древнегреческого имени Николаос — «победитель народов»
Павелот римского родового имени Paulus — «скромный», малый», «незначительный», «младший»
Сергейот римского родового имени Sergius — «знатный», «высокий»
Соломонот древнееврейского имени Шеломо, происходящее от шалом — «мир»
Степанот древнегреческого имени Стефанос — «венок, венец», «корона»
Теодорв переводе с латинского — «дар Божий», «посланник Бога»
Федорсовременная форма греческого имени Теодорос (Теодорос, Феодорос) — «дарованный Богом», «Божий дар»
Янпольская, белорусская и древнерусская формы древнееврейского имени Йоханан — «Яхве милостив»
Антонинаот греческого слова антао — «вступающая в бой», «состязающаяся в силе», «противница», «противостоящая», «достойная похвалы» или антос — «цветок»
Вераот древнегреческого имени Пистис — «вера»
Маргаритаот позднелатинского имени Margarita, происходящего от древнегреческого маргаритес — «жемчужина»
Марияот древнееврейского имени Мирьям — «желанная», «горькая», «безмятежная»
Матренаот латинского matrona — «матрона, почтенная замужняя женщина»
Мирраот древнегреческого имени Мюрра, происходящего от мюрон — «мирра», «миро», «душистая смола» в переводе с древнееврейского — «миртовое дерево»
Тамараот древнееврейского имени Тамар — «смоковница», «финиковая пальма»
Февронияот греческого имени Феврониа, произошедшего от древнегреческого слова «фойбос» — «ясная», «светлая», «лучезарная» или от латинского «faber» — «ремесленник»
90000 197 Mythological goddess names for girls | Baby Names 90001 90002 8 90003 Alala 90004 90005 Greek goddess of the war-cry. Her musical name seems to be an onomatopoeia. 90006 90007 90002 11 90003 Annona 90004 90005 The divine personification of Rome’s grain supply. A little weird as far as name meanings go, but why not. 90006 90007 90002 12 90003 Antheia 90004 90005 One of the attendants of the greek Aphrodite.She was the goddess of flowers. 90006 90007 90002 13 90003 Aphrodite 90004 90005 This name from the Greek pantheon might be just a little too sensual for actual use. 90006 90007 90002 15 90003 Arete 90004 90005 This name of a greek deity was associated with attractive qualities such as excellence, braveness and knowledgable. 90006 90007 90002 18 90003 Artemis 90004 90005 Artemis Fowl gave this name a male spin, but it is actually the name of the Greek goddess of the wilderness.90006 90007 90002 20 90003 Asia 90004 90005 Daughter of the greek sea god Oceanus, and possibly the origin of the name of the continent. 90006 90007 90002 22 90003 Asteria 90004 90005 Sounding like an attractive variation on flower-name Aster, this greek name belonged to the titaness of falling stars. 90006 90007 90002 23 90003 Astraea 90004 90005 Pronounced «as-TRAY-ah», despite the virgin goddess of purity and it’s beautiful meaning, this might be too close to «astray» and «ashtray».90006 90007 90002 25 90003 Athena 90004 90005 Name of the Greek goddess of wisdom, closely related to Greece’s capital Athens. 90006 90007 90002 26 90003 Augusta 90004 90005 A title given to roman empresses and goddesses, meaning «elevated». 90006 90007 90002 27 90003 Aura 90004 90005 The greek divine personification of the breeze. 90006 90007 90002 28 90003 Aurora 90004 90005 Sweet Aurora was the roman goddess of dawn.90006 90007 90002 29 90003 Avalon 90004 90005 Meaning «apple», this is the mythical island featured in the Arthurian legends. Arthur’s sword Excalibur was created here. Now Ava is on the rise, Avalon with nickname Ava sounds so good! 90006 90007 90002 1 90003 Abnoba 90004 90005 Possibly a celtic variation on Diana, Abnoba was a river and woods goddess honoured in the Black Forest. 90006 90007 90002 2 90003 Adsullata 90004 90005 This celtic goddess was associated with the river Sava, one of the many rivers contributing to the Donau.90006 90007 90002 197 90003 Aegle 90004 90005 The name of various Greek nymphs, this name is pronounced «AI-gle». The nymph of the west, daughter of Atlas was named Aegle; so were the most beautiful of the water nymphs and one of the tree nymphs. It means «splendor». 90006 90007 90002 3 90003 Aerendel 90004 90005 Originally a male deity, Aerendel or variation Erentil would also work for a girl. Arentel’s powers are quite obscure, but he could have been the deification of the pole star.He also served as the inspiration for the Tolkien character Eärendil. 90006 90007 90002 5 90003 Aimend 90004 90005 An Irish sun-goddess whose name might mean «sunburn». 90006 90007 90002 7 90003 Airmid 90004 90005 This Irish goddess of herbs and healing’s name is beautiful, but might be too close to Kermit. 90006 90007 90002 9 90003 Anaka 90004 90005 This interesting name could work as a play on Annika.Anaka, also called Anuket or Anukis meaning «embracer», was the divine personification of the Nile in Egypt. 90006 90007 90002 10 90003 Angelos 90004 90005 The name of this Greek deity of death will probably not register as such with many. 90006 90007 90002 14 90003 Arche 90004 90005 This strong, fashionable name belonged to one of the original greek muses. Arche was the muse of origins. 90006 90007 90002 16 90003 Arduinna 90004 90005 This celtic goddess of the Ardennes was depicted as a huntress riding a boar.Also spelled Arduina, or Arduinne, this would make a sweet sounding, bad ass name. 90006 90007 90002 17 90003 Arien 90004 90005 One of the lesser holy spirits in Tolkien’s Arda, Arien is a spirit of fire and the guide of the sun. Arien would be a beautiful addition to the recently popular Arya and Aria. 90006 90007 90002 19 90003 Artio 90004 90005 Derived from the celtic word for «bear» — artos — Artio was one of many bear goddesses world wide.90006 90007 90002 21 90003 Astarte 90004 90005 Greek-Egyptian goddess Astarte was connected with sexuality, fertility and war. She has been known as the deified evening star. Astarte is related to Ishtar. 90006 90007 90002 24 90003 Astrild 90004 90005 A nordic name for Amor or Cupid, invented by 18th century nordic authors. 90006 90007 90002 30 90003 Aveta 90004 90005 This possible alternative to Evita was a celtic mother goddess, often depicted with infants, baskets of fruit or small dogs.90006 90007 90002 4 90003 Aífe 90004 90005 Currently spelled Aoife and pronounced «EE-fa», this Irish goddess cared most for her chariot and horses. This strong female warrior might have links with Epona. 90006 90007 90002 34 90003 Beyla 90004 90005 One of Freyja’s servants in Norse mythology. She might have been connected to either cows, beans or bees. A nice alternative for Bailey. 90006 90007 90002 36 90003 Branwen 90004 90005 The main character of a well-known celtic myth, Branwen’s marriage and the jealousy of her half-brother brought war on Brittany and Ireland.90006 90007 90002 38 90003 Brigid 90004 90005 Brigid is the name of three celtic sister-goddesses who perform various functions in society, such as healing, poetry and smith craft. Her name means «exalted one». 90006 90007 90002 31 90003 Bec 90004 90005 Meaning «small», Bec’s three daughters guarded a well containing wisdom. The contemporary Irish spelling is Beag. 90006 90007 90002 32 90003 Belisama 90004 90005 This name sounds Italian, but is actually that of the celtic counterpart of Minerva.Her name means «brightest one». 90006 90007 90002 33 90003 Bellona 90004 90005 Roman goddess of both war and peace, perilously close to «baloney». 90006 90007 90002 35 90003 Bia 90004 90005 An interesting spin on «Bea», this greek name has quite the harsh translation: «violence». 90006 90007 90002 37 90003 Brigantia 90004 90005 Meaning «the elevated one», Brigantia was a late celtic goddess of victory.90006 90007 90002 39 90003 Brittania 90004 90005 With place names becoming ever more popular, why not consider roman-celtic Brittania, the personification of the island of Great Britain? 90006 90007 90002 42 90003 Ceres 90004 90005 Roman goddess of harvest, whose name might be too close to «cereal» to use on your little girl. 90006 90007 90002 43 90003 Ceridwen 90004 90005 Ceridwen is regarded as the celtic goddess sorceress of rebirth, transformation and inspiration.90006 90007 90002 46 90003 Charis 90004 90005 One of the greek Graces, Charis was the goddess of charm, creativity and nature. 90006 90007 90002 47 90003 Clementia 90004 90005 Roman goddess of, you guessed it, forgiveness. It is a nice spin on Clementine that steers away from «Oh My Darling …» 90006 90007 90002 48 90003 Cleta 90004 90005 Cleta, meaning «renowned», was one of the greek Graces.90006 90007 90002 50 90003 Cybele 90004 90005 Anatolian mother goddess which opens up cute nickname option Billie. 90006 90007 90002 40 90003 Canola 90004 90005 Irish goddess Canola was the mythical inventor of the harp. Unfortunately, canola also refers to the oil from the rapeseed, which is a weird connotation. 90006 90007 90002 41 90003 Carme 90004 90005 The name of greek Demeter’s assistant in the harvest just does not seem to match up to the much more attractive Carmen.90006 90007 90002 44 90003 Cethlenn 90004 90005 The mother of Eithne and powerful Irish prophetess, Cethlenn or Cethleann is a very nice addition to the pool of Katherine-derived names. 90006 90007 90002 45 90003 Ceto 90004 90005 As Cato is rising to fame, Ceto would be a logical choice for a girl. But beware, this greek ocean goddess is most noted for giving birth to a hoard of monsters. 90006 90007 90002 49 90003 Coventina 90004 90005 This roman-celtic goddess of wells and spring would make a nice variation on Clementine.90006 90007 90002 52 90003 Danu 90004 90005 This pretty, strong name with definite tomboy potential belonged to the ancestral mother goddess of the Irish pantheon. 90006 90007 90002 53 90003 Decima 90004 90005 This roman goddess ruled over life and death by measuring the thread of life. 90006 90007 90002 54 90003 Demeter 90004 90005 Greek goddess of harvest.90006 90007 90002 56 90003 Dia 90004 90005 Meaning «heavenly», this attractive choice was the name of the greek goddess of youth, as well as meaning «day» in Spanish. 90006 90007 90002 57 90003 Diana 90004 90005 Huntress-goddess of the roman empire, name of the famous deceased British princess. 90006 90007 90002 51 90003 Damona 90004 90005 The meaning «divine cow» might not be too elegant, the sound of celtic Damona is most definitely pleasant.It makes a great replacement for Ramona. 90006 90007 90002 55 90003 Devera 90004 90005 Devera or Deverra protected Rome’s women in labour, as well as ruling over … brooms? 90006 90007 90002 58 90003 Don 90004 90005 Her name reflected in the river Donau, Don is a celtic mother goddess who does not appear much in the legendarium, although many of the other deities are related to her. 90006 90007 90002 61 90003 Eirene 90004 90005 The greek personification of peace, now mostly seen spelled «Irene».90006 90007 90002 62 90003 Eithne 90004 90005 Pronounced Enya (which would be a great pick on itself), this name means «splendour». There are indications she was a sun goddess, also involved in a birth of Perseus-like story. 90006 90007 90002 70 90003 Eris 90004 90005 This name was born by the greek goddess of strife. 90006 90007 90002 59 90003 Egeria 90004 90005 This name used to be the name of a minor roman goddess associated with Diana, is now an eponym for «female counselor» because of the advise Egeria gave to the second king of Rome.90006 90007 90002 63 90003 Elbereth 90004 90005 This Sindarin title of Varda, meaning «queen of the stars», makes a beautiful alternative for Elizabeth. The poem «A Elbereth Gilthoniel» appears multiple time throughout Tolkien’s «The Lord Of The Rings». 90006 90007 90002 64 90003 Elentári 90004 90005 The Quenya title of Varda, meaning «queen of the stars», in the fictional universe of Tolkien’s Arda. 90006 90007 90002 65 90003 Empanda 90004 90005 Cute or unusable? Also called Panda, this was a pagan-roman goddess whose temple was always open for those in need.90006 90007 90002 66 90003 Ennodia 90004 90005 Greek goddess Ennodia fulfilled the role of Artemis, Hecate or Persephone, depending on who you ask. 90006 90007 90002 67 90003 Enyo 90004 90005 Strong Enyo is the name of the greek goddess of war and lover of Mars. 90006 90007 90002 68 90003 Epona 90004 90005 Gallo-roman goddess, strongly connected to horses, and also a goddess of fertility.90006 90007 90002 69 90003 Erecura 90004 90005 Erecura or Aerecura was a celtic goddess closely connected to Proserpina, often depicted with apple baskets and the cornucopia. 90006 90007 90002 71 90003 Ersa 90004 90005 This goddess, whose name means «dew», is the daughter of greek Zeus and moon-goddess Selena. 90006 90007 90002 72 90003 Estë 90004 90005 Tolkien created the character of Estë as the bringer of peace and giver of rest.90006 90007 90002 74 90003 Fauna 90004 90005 Now firmly linked to the animal kingdom, Fauna was also a roman prophetic goddess. 90006 90007 90002 76 90003 Felicitas 90004 90005 This roman goddess was the personification of good luck. «Felicity» would probably work better as a contemporary name. 90006 90007 90002 79 90003 Fionnuala 90004 90005 This Irish goddess’s name is pronounced «fin-U-a-lah», meaning «fair shoulder».Her name is also anglicised as Fenella and cute nickname Nuala can also stand on itself. She was changed into a swan. 90006 90007 90002 81 90003 Flora 90004 90005 Flora has a lot of classic charm: in roman mythology, she was the goddess of flowers. 90006 90007 90002 84 90003 Fortuna 90004 90005 The personification of luck in the roman religion. 90006 90007 90002 82 90003 Freya 90004 90005 Nordic goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, war and death.Cherry on top: Freya rides a chariot driven by cats. Also spelled Freyja. 90006 90007 90002 73 90003 Fama 90004 90005 Despite being similar to «fame», Fama was actually the roman goddess of rumours. And not in a nice way. 90006 90007 90002 75 90003 Febris 90004 90005 Literally meaning «fever», roman goddess Febris could cause and cure fevers. She is described as shrewd and honest. Her name sadly is dangerously close to «debris».90006 90007 90002 77 90003 Ferentina 90004 90005 This bubbly name belonged to the patron goddess of Ferentinum and the Roman empire in general. 90006 90007 90002 78 90003 Feronia 90004 90005 Feronia was the roman goddess of wildlife, abundance, health and fertility. This name fits in perfectly with other names of ancient rome that are currently on the rise. 90006 90007 90002 80 90003 Fliodhas 90004 90005 This goddess seems to have been the Irish version of Artemis and Diana.Her name is pronounced «FLO-as», giving it a beautiful flowy feel. 90006 90007 90002 85 90003 Fulla 90004 90005 Fulla or Volla, possibly meaning «bountiful» is a goddess of the nordic pantheon. 90006 90007 90002 86 90003 Furrina 90004 90005 Furrina or Furina might have been a spring goddess in ancient Rome, and her name could make a cute name for a pet. 90006 90007 90002 83 90003 Fóla 90004 90005 Her name being used as a synonym for Ireland itself, and a sound close to Flora, what’s not to love? 90006 90007 90002 89 90003 Gaia 90004 90005 Greek mother goddess and goddess of the earth.90006 90007 90002 91 90003 Hebe 90004 90005 This name of the greek goddess of youth rhymes with «Phoebe». 90006 90007 90002 88 90003 Hera 90004 90005 Strong sounding Hera was the wife of Zeus and goddess of women and marriage. She was well known for her jealousy and temper. 90006 90007 90002 94 90003 Hestia 90004 90005 This name, born by the greek goddess of the hearth, makes a nice variation on Hester.90006 90007 90002 87 90003 Hariasa 90004 90005 Little is known about this nordic goddess. She may be a goddess of war related to the Valkyrie, or her name might mean «goddess with lots of hair». 90006 90007 90002 90 90003 Hecate 90004 90005 Greek goddess of witchcraft and necromancy. Pronounces «heh-KAH-teh», this name might better be left alone. 90006 90007 90002 92 90003 Hemera 90004 90005 The greek personification of the day.90006 90007 90002 93 90003 Hersilia 90004 90005 Wife of Rome’s founder Romulus; was, per her request, turned into the deity Hora when her husband died and was turned into god. 90006 90007 90002 95 90003 Hora 90004 90005 Name of roman queen Hersilia after she was turned into a goddess; not advisable as a choice for your daughter. 90006 90007 90002 96 90003 Inanna 90004 90005 The most prominent goddess in ancient Mesopotamia, ruling over love, fertility and warfare.90006 90007 90002 101 90003 Iris 90004 90005 The greek personification of the rainbow, as well as an attractive flower-name. She was the messenger of the gods. 90006 90007 90002 102 90003 Isis 90004 90005 This gorgeous and very usable name of the Egyptian goddess of health, marriage and wisdom has been tainted by the extremist group IS. Different spellings of her name include Iset and Aset. 90006 90007 90002 98 90003 Iat 90004 90005 This minor goddess of milk, nurturing and childbirth was worshipped in ancient Egypt.90006 90007 90002 99 90003 Iccona 90004 90005 Another name for celtic Epona. 90006 90007 90002 100 90003 Ingwine 90004 90005 More adventurous spellings include Yngvi, Ing and Ingui, this germanic goddess was the forerunner of well-known Freya. 90006 90007 90002 97 90003 Ishtar 90004 90005 Ishtar was worshipped in northern Mesopotamia, linked with Venus.Her territories include love, fertility, sexuality and war. 90006 90007 90002 103 90003 Juno 90004 90005 Roman goddess of women and marriage. Made popular by the 2007 movie about a quirky teen mom. 90006 90007 90002 104 90003 Justitia 90004 90005 Roman goddess of justice — is this too heavy, or just a nice alternative for Victoria? 90006 90007 90002 105 90003 Juturna 90004 90005 This roman goddess was the deity of springs, wells and fountains.Pronounced «you-TURN-ah», this would make a pretty choice. 90006 90007 90002 106 90003 Juventas 90004 90005 The name of this roman goddess, who personified youth, could make a nice middle name. 90006 90007 90002 107 90003 Kamira 90004 90005 Greek goddess primarily worshipped in Kamiros. 90006 90007 90002 110 90003 Laverna 90004 90005 Made popular by fierce Laverne Cox, this name was first born by the roman patroness of thieves.90006 90007 90002 112 90003 Levana 90004 90005 Meaning «to lift», roman goddess Levana was involved in rituals surrounding child birth. 90006 90007 90002 115 90003 Lucina 90004 90005 Lucina was the roman goddess of childbirth, meaning «she who brings children into the light». Possible nicknames include Lucy and Luna. 90006 90007 90002 116 90003 Luna 90004 90005 Skyrocketing to popularity, this is the name of the roman deity of the moon, as well as the name of quirky Ravenclaw-student Luna Lovegood.90006 90007 90002 117 90003 Lyssa 90004 90005 Greek spirit of rage, frenzy and rabies. Parents, beware. 90006 90007 90002 108 90003 Larunda 90004 90005 This soft name would work well in modern times, with possible nickname Lara; but the roman nymph of this name suffered quite a horrible fate. 90006 90007 90002 109 90003 Latona 90004 90005 Latona is the mother of divine twins Diana and Apollo.After giving birth, she does not play a big role in the pantheon anymore. Her greek equivalent is called Leto. 90006 90007 90002 111 90003 Leto 90004 90005 Her role in greek mythology is limited to looking for a place to give birth to twins Apollo and Artemis, but Jared Leto does give this name credibility and spunk. 90006 90007 90002 113 90003 Libitina 90004 90005 Since Libitina was the roman goddess of corpses, funerals and the likes, this pretty name could work for parents who want to give their daughter a beautiful, secretly-scary name.90006 90007 90002 114 90003 Litavis 90004 90005 This pretty name belonged to a celtic goddess that appears to have been an earth goddess or deification of the landscape. Her name has also been used to describe Brittany. 90006 90007 90002 118 90003 Macaria 90004 90005 This greek goddess name sounds like a macabre form of the Macarena, which makes sense, considering her name means «blessed death». 90006 90007 90002 119 90003 Macha 90004 90005 Irish goddess Macha (pronounced «MOK-ha») is associated with sovereignty, horses and war.90006 90007 90002 120 90003 Maia 90004 90005 Roman and Greek goddess Maia is linked to growth and motherhood. 90006 90007 90002 125 90003 Minerva 90004 90005 Roman goddess of wisdom and war, and name of transfiguration professor and head of Gryffindor Minerva McGonagall. 90006 90007 90002 128 90003 Morgan 90004 90005 Morgan (also spelled Morgaine, Morgana and Morgue, a.o.) was a powerful arthurian sorceress. In early stories her role is limited, but in later tellings of the legend she was half-sister to Arthur and apprentice of Taliesin. 90006 90007 90002 129 90003 Morrigan 90004 90005 Morrigan is the name of three Irish sister-goddesses primarily associated with themes as battle and sovereignty. She can turn intro a crow among other animals, completing her image as goddess of death. 90006 90007 90002 121 90003 Megaera 90004 90005 Greek Megaera, pronounced «may-GAY-rah», is the cause of jealousy and envy.In various modern languages ​​her name still means «spiteful woman». 90006 90007 90002 122 90003 Melian 90004 90005 One of the lesser holy spirits in the universe of Arda, Melian is the only goddess in Tolkiens legendarium to ever marry one of the elves. 90006 90007 90002 123 90003 Mellonia 90004 90005 Mellonia or Mellona used to be the roman goddess of beekeeping, protecting the sweetness of the honey.90006 90007 90002 124 90003 Metis 90004 90005 The greek titaness of wisdom and cunning. 90006 90007 90002 126 90003 Modron 90004 90005 Derived from the latin «Matrona», Modron was a celtic mother goddess, who may have been the prototype for Morgan le Fay. 90006 90007 90002 127 90003 Moneta 90004 90005 Many people would link this name to money, but Moneta was the roman goddess of memory.90006 90007 90002 130 90003 Morta 90004 90005 The roman cutter of the thread of life was Morta. A tad more usable than Morticia, although not by much. 90006 90007 90002 131 90003 Murcia 90004 90005 Murcia or Murtia was one of the names connected to Venus. Murcia is also a city in the south of Spain, making this an unusual but pretty choice. 90006 90007 90002 133 90003 Nanna 90004 90005 Nordic goddess whose name might mean «mother» or «woman», or perhaps «daring».After her husband dies, Nanna also dies of grief, but the gifts she presents to the gatekeeper of the underworld get the both of them back to the world of the living. 90006 90007 90002 136 90003 Neith 90004 90005 This fierce Egyptian deity is the goddess of the hunt and war, but also of creation and mother goddess. 90006 90007 90002 141 90003 Nessa 90004 90005 The last of the queens of Tolkien’s fictional universe Arda, whose title is «the dancer».She is noted for her speed and agility, often followed by deer. 90006 90007 90002 142 90003 Niamh 90004 90005 Niamh is the queen of mythical Tir na Nog, land of youth. She lost her lover when he travelled back to Ireland and accidentally lost his magical youth and became an old man. It’s pronounced «NEEM». 90006 90007 90002 144 90003 Nike 90004 90005 Originally pronounced «NEE-keh», the greek goddess of victory would be a great namesake.But — the sneakers. How about Victoria, her roman counterpart? 90006 90007 90002 145 90003 Nona 90004 90005 Cute Nona could make a fitting alternative for Lola. Her name means «ninth», and pregnant roman women in their ninth month would call on her for protection. Nona was also the spinster of the thread of life. 90006 90007 90002 147 90003 Nyx 90004 90005 Nyx, the greek goddess of night, is only ever seen in glimpses, but is described as exceptionally powerful and beautiful.90006 90007 90002 132 90003 Nabia 90004 90005 An interesting twist on Nadia, Nabia was an goddess worshipped in Spain and Portugal, reigning over rivers and water. The Neiva and Nabao river are named after her. 90006 90007 90002 134 90003 Neamhain 90004 90005 Pronounced «NYAV-in», this makes a hard to pronounce but beautiful choice. Neamhain is the Irish goddess that personifies the frenzy of war. In some tellings, one of the three Morrigan sisters is called Neamhain.90006 90007 90002 135 90003 Nehalennia 90004 90005 Possibly celtic, germanic or older Dutch goddess that seems to be linked to fertility and protecting ships. 90006 90007 90002 137 90003 Nekhbet 90004 90005 Emblem of Upper Egypt, this vulture oracle goddess’s name is slightly more wearable because of the familiar -bet ending. 90006 90007 90002 138 90003 Nemesis 90004 90005 This greek goddess’s name means «divine retribution», but you could’ve guessed that.90006 90007 90002 139 90003 Nenia 90004 90005 Dying romans and roman funeral laments fell under the protection of Nenia, sometimes spelled as Naenia. 90006 90007 90002 140 90003 Nephtys 90004 90005 Sister to Isis, Egyptian goddess Nephtys ruled over death, lamentation, nighttime and rivers. She is often accompanying Isis in lamenting their brother Osiris. 90006 90007 90002 143 90003 Nienna 90004 90005 Lady of mercy in Tolkien’s fictional universe Arda.She cries constantly for the evils of the world, and her tears bring healing and hope. Her name is pronounced «nee-YEN-nah». 90006 90007 90002 146 90003 Nox 90004 90005 The roman counterpart of the greek goddess Nyx, goddess of the night. 90006 90007 90002 149 90003 Olwen 90004 90005 Olwen or Olwyn was the heroin of a celtic lovestory. Olwen was said to be so gentle, white lilies grew in her footprints.90006 90007 90002 148 90003 Oizys 90004 90005 Daughter of greek goddess Nyx, her name means «misery», which moves it from «out there» to «unusable». 90006 90007 90002 150 90003 Ostara 90004 90005 This nordic goddess is the source of Easter, her name meaning «dawn». 90006 90007 90002 152 90003 Pallas 90004 90005 This name of greek Athena, with the sound of modern «palace», was gained by the goddess of wisdom and war by killing her childhood friend Pallas.Ouch. 90006 90007 90002 155 90003 Pax 90004 90005 Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt might have called their son Pax; the name is actually that of the roman goddess of peace, and would make a strong choice for a girl. 90006 90007 90002 158 90003 Persephone 90004 90005 Greek daughter of Demeter, who was kidnapped by Hades and forced to marry him. In wintertime, she lives with the King of the Dead in the underworld, and in the spring, she is allowed to visit her mother, ushering in a new season of fertility.90006 90007 90002 160 90003 Pomona 90004 90005 Having a distinct fruity undertone, this was the name of the roman goddess of gardens, fruit trees and orchards. 90006 90007 90002 151 90003 Palatua 90004 90005 Guardian of one of the hills of Rome. 90006 90007 90002 154 90003 Pandela 90004 90005 Pandela or Pandia, daughter of Selene, might have been the greek personification of the full moon.90006 90007 90002 153 90003 Pandia 90004 90005 Pandela or Pandia, daughter of Selene, might have been the greek personification of the full moon. 90006 90007 90002 156 90003 Penia 90004 90005 Very easy to use for bullies and meaning «deficiancy», this greek name is better left alone. 90006 90007 90002 157 90003 Perchta 90004 90005 Germanic goddess in charge of fertility and bride of the sun.Also called Bercht and Berchta. 90006 90007 90002 159 90003 Phaena 90004 90005 Meaning «bright», this was one of the Greek graces. 90006 90007 90002 161 90003 Proserpina 90004 90005 This pretty name belongs to the roman equivalent of the greek Persephone; queen of the dead and goddess of fertility. 90006 90007 90002 162 90003 Providentia 90004 90005 Roman virtue-name, meaning «forethought».90006 90007 90002 163 90003 Rhea 90004 90005 Mother of the greek pantheon. 90006 90007 90002 164 90003 Rhiannon 90004 90005 Celtic Rhiannon was first seen as a magical beauty riding a powerful white horse. She seeks out the man to marry her herself, and is, all in all, quite a strong character with an interesting story. Her name means «queen» and she is strongly connected to Epona. 90006 90007 90002 165 90003 Rosmerta 90004 90005 Rosmerta is of celtic origin, and was a goddess of fertility and abundance.You may recognise this name as a Harry Potter name, too! 90006 90007 90002 166 90003 Sabre 90004 90005 One of the first princesses with an evil stepmother was called Habren or Sabre; hers drowned her in a river since named after her. The name was latinised as Sabrina. 90006 90007 90002 170 90003 Selene 90004 90005 Greek goddess of the moon. 90006 90007 90002 178 90003 Sunna 90004 90005 The germanic name for nordic sun-goddess Sól.90006 90007 90002 168 90003 Salacia 90004 90005 The roman goddess of salt water, whose name slightly reminds of saliva. 90006 90007 90002 171 90003 Senuna 90004 90005 Also called Senua and Sena, celtic Senuna seemed to have been linked to Minerva. 90006 90007 90002 172 90003 Sequana 90004 90005 Celtic-roman goddess Sequana, carrying a definite modern sound, was the goddess of the river Seine and its springs in Burgundy.Worshippers would ask her to cure their illnesses. 90006 90007 90002 169 90003 Seshat 90004 90005 The literal translation of Seshat is «she who is the scribe». Although the name sounds pretty enough and Seshat’s role in Egyptian mythology is interesting, the spelling renders this name unusable. 90006 90007 90002 173 90003 Shai 90004 90005 The genderless deity Shai is the Egyptian personification of fate.It makes an attractive name that is soft but distinct. 90006 90007 90002 174 90003 Sirona 90004 90005 Celtic Sirona was a healing goddess associated with healing springs. She was often depicted with eggs or snakes. 90006 90007 90002 176 90003 Suadela 90004 90005 Distinct yet recognisable name Suadela belonged to the roman personification of persuasion. This might make a strong yet melodic choice. 90006 90007 90002 177 90003 Sulis 90004 90005 Celtic Sulis was a nourishing mother goddess with a bad side.She was also active as an avenger of her worshippers by making sure their curses were fulfilled. 90006 90007 90002 179 90003 Syn 90004 90005 Syn is a nordic goddess associated with defines refusal. She guards the doors of the halls against those who are not to enter. 90006 90007 90002 167 90003 Sága 90004 90005 Possibly meaning «seeress», Sága was a nordic goddess of poetry and wisdom. 90006 90007 90002 175 90003 Sól 90004 90005 Sól was the name of the nordic personification of the sun.Her brother Máni is the personification of the moon, which is interesting, because in most cultures the sun is masculine and the moon feminine. 90006 90007 90002 180 90003 Thalia 90004 90005 Both the name of a greek grace ( «abundance») and nymph ( «flourishing»), this name makes a good alternative for Dalia. 90006 90007 90002 181 90003 Theia 90004 90005 Also spelled Thia, or less exciting Thea, she was one of the primal greek deities, her name meaning simply «goddess».90006 90007 90002 182 90003 Trivia 90004 90005 Completely unusable contemporary word-name that used to belong to the roman goddess of magic. 90006 90007 90002 188 90003 Varda 90004 90005 Queen and creator of the stars in Tolkien’s fictional universe of Arda. Varda is most feared by the divine evil king Melkor. 90006 90007 90002 190 90003 Venus 90004 90005 Roman goddess of love — definitely more usable than her Greek counterpart, thanks to Venus Williams.90006 90007 90002 193 90003 Vesta 90004 90005 Patron of Rome and roman goddess of the hearth. 90006 90007 90002 194 90003 Victoria 90004 90005 This name has a lot of history — not only is Victoria the roman goddess of Victory, the name also refers to Queen Victoria of England and Victoria Beckham. 90006 90007 90002 183 90003 Vacuna 90004 90005 Vacuna started out as the roman goddess of rest after harvest and ending up as a goddess of war.That escalated quickly. 90006 90007 90002 184 90003 Vairë 90004 90005 Vairë, created by Tolkien as one of the divine queens of Arda, weaves the stories of the world into intricate tapestries that are hung in the halls of the dead. 90006 90007 90002 185 90003 Valkyrie 90004 90005 The Valkyrie were Norse angels of death, flying over the battlefield and picking which souls to take with them to Valhalla. A failed plot to kill Adolf Hitler in WW2 was called «Operation Valkyrie».Holding the middle between Valerie and Keira, this does sound beautiful. 90006 90007 90002 187 90003 Vanadís 90004 90005 An alternate name of nordic goddess Freyja. 90006 90007 90002 189 90003 Venilia 90004 90005 Venilia or Venelia, with its soft vanilla-reference, was the roman wife of sea-god Neptune. 90006 90007 90002 191 90003 Verbeia 90004 90005 Possibly meaning «she who is constantly twisting and turning», Verbeia was the celtic goddess of the river Wharfe.90006 90007 90002 192 90003 Veritas 90004 90005 The name of the greek goddess of truth might make a compelling middle. 90006 90007 90002 186 90003 Vána 90004 90005 The younger sister of Yavanna, Vána is the queen of blossoms and is called «ever-young». She is described as the most beautiful of Tolkien’s divine queens. 90006 90007 90002 195 90003 Yavanna 90004 90005 The queen of earth and giver of fruits in Tolkien’s fictional universe Arda.She created the two trees that signify the sun and moon. This name might make a good alternative to Johanna. 90006 90007 90002 196 90003 Zisa 90004 90005 Also spelled as Cisa, this is the name of a nordic goddess. She is mentioned in connection to a victory over the roman empire. 90006 90007 90002 6 90003 Áine 90004 90005 This name pronounced Anya belongs to the Irish goddess of summer, wealth and sovereignty.She is associated with mid-summer and the sun and is sometimes represented as a red mare. 90006 90007 90002 60 90003 Éire 90004 90005 Also called Eri, this is the personification of Ireland herself. With the rise of Ireland as a name, why not pick Éire? 90006 90007 .90000 48 Names For Babies Born In December 90001 90002 December is the month of fun and frolic; it is the month of holidays, and it’s the month of Christmas. The celebrations, the partying, and the presence of family, ensure that there are plenty of reasons for you to be happy in this month. 90003 90002 And, if you’re expecting a baby in this month, the excitement and joy only increase. And, we at MomJunction want to be part of that happiness. So, here is our list of 48 December baby names for you to peruse.Who knows? Maybe you might select one for your little bundle of joy. 90003 90006 December Baby Names For Boys: 90007 90008 1. Angel: 90009 90002 This masculine name comes from the Latin Angelus which again comes from Greek word angelos and means envoy. One of the notable bearers of this name is the Argentine footballer Angel Di Maria. 90003 90002 90013 [Read: October Baby Names] 90014 90003 90008 2. Aaron: 90009 90002 He was the elder brother of Moses. This name originated from the Hebrew name Aharon meaning lofty or high mountain.The proud bearer of this name is the Australian cricketer Aaron Finch. 90003 90008 3. Balthasar: 90009 90002 This name has its roots in the Hebrew language, derived from the name Belshatzzar and it means save the ruler. In the Persian language, this name implies advisor in war. 90003 90008 4. Bruce: 90009 90002 This name was derived from an old Scottish last name and most probably means the French town of Brix. Besides the Scottish king and hero Robert Bruce, this name was also given to the American composer Bruce Springsteen.90003 90008 5. Caleb: 90009 90002 This name bears its origin in the Hebrew language, and it means a dog, a crow or a case. He was one of the 12 spies who went to Israel on Moses ‘orders. Caleb Hass is one of the famous characters in the on-going TV series Quantico. 90003 90008 6. Christian: 90009 90002 One of the commonest names in Christian community and originates from a Latin name Christianus which means the follower of Christ. Many famous people share this name like noted fashion designer Christian Dior, reputed Hollywood actor Christian Bale to name a few.90003 90002 90013 [Read: September Baby Names] 90014 90003 90008 7. Clement: 90009 90002 The root of this name is the Latin name Clemens, which means compassionate. St Clement became a pope in the 1st century. 90003 90008 8. Dagon: 90009 90002 This name has its origin in the Ugaritic word ‘dagon’ signifying grain. It was the Semitic God of farming and sometimes it also means little fish. 90003 90008 9. Ethan: 90009 90002 One of the commonest and most familiar English names, this name, comes from the Hebrew language and means rock-solid, durable.People bearing this name are restless, creative thinkers, adaptable and love freedom and adventure. Whenever this name comes to our minds, the face of the Adrenaline Junkie Tom Cruise from Mission Impossible movie series makes us thrilled. 90003 90008 10. Emmanuel: 90009 90002 This December boy name originated from the Hebrew name Immanu’el which means God is with us. In the Old Testament, he was the prophesy Messiah. This name has not gained that much popularity and is sometimes also spelled as Immanuel.90003 90008 11. Frost: 90009 90002 This name comes from an old English word, and it means cold weather, a very cool name for this time of the year. This name may also have another meaning, which comes from the German word ‘frustaz’. Rober Frost, the American poet, bore this name. 90003 90008 12. Gabriel: 90009 90002 This name originates from the Hebrew name Gavri’el which indicates God is my strong man. He is there both in Old Testament and the New Testament where declares the birth of John to Zechariah and Jesus to Mary.One of the proud bearers of this name is the Argentine soccer legend Gabriel Batistuta. 90003 90002 90013 [Read: Nature Inspired Baby Names] 90014 90003 90008 13. Jasper: 90009 90002 This name comes from the Persian origin meaning the treasurer. He was one of the three Magi or wise men and kings who went to see the baby Jesus. This name also has other forms like Caspar, Gaspar, Kaspar. 90003 90008 14. Jack: 90009 90002 This name derives from an old name Jankin, which is also a short version of the famous name John.The English footballer Jack Wilshere bears this name. 90003 90008 15. Joseph: 90009 90002 This name comes from the Latin name Ioseph, which has its root in the Hebrew name Yosef signifying he will add. It is quite a common name and borne by the reputed footballer Joseph Carr among many others. 90003 90008 16. Kris: 90009 90002 It’s the short form of Kristoffer which is again the Scandinavian version of the English name Christopher. The meaning of this name is the disciple of Christ. 90003 90008 17.Michael: 90009 90002 One of the most widely used English names, this name was derived from a Hebrew name Mikhael which means who is like God? This name also means modest or deprived. He was the one who captained the heaven’s army in the New Testament. So many famous people have this name with pop legend Michael Jackson being one of the popular names. 90003 90002 90013 [Read: November Baby Names] 90014 90003 90008 18. Moses: 90009 90002 This name originates from the Hebrew name Mosheh which is in turn derived from the Egyptian word ‘mes’ denoting son.Gwyneth Paltrow has named her son with this name. 90003 90008 19. Nicholas: 90009 90002 This name has its origin in the Greek language. It originates from two words ‘nike’ (meaning victory) and ‘laos’ (meaning people). St. Nicholas is the benefactor saint of kids, seamen, and the famous Santa Claus comes from this saint. Notable celebrity with this name is the actor Nicholas Cage. 90003 90008 20. Noel: 90009 90002 This name has originated from the French language, and it means Christmas. Noel Coward was a reputed English dramatist and musician.90003 90008 21. Snowden: 90009 90002 It’s an English name, and it has the meaning the snow-covered hills. The most famous bearer of this name is the former CIA employee Edward Snowden. 90003 90008 22. Winter: 90009 90002 This name is the name of an English season and undoubtedly an apt name for the babies born in this period. 90003 90008 23. Xavier: 90009 90002 It is a quite common English name and has come from the name of a place, Etxaberri located in Basque. The name bears the meaning the new house and borne by the Mexican striker Xavier Hernandez.90003 90008 24. Yule: 90009 90002 This name originates from a very Old English word ġeōl, and it refers to the time of winter; hence, the meaning born at Christmas seems rather apt. 90003 90002 90013 [Read: Water Inspired Baby Names] 90014 90003 90006 December Baby Girl Names: 90007 90008 1. Abigail: 90009 90002 Being a girlish name but its meaning is father’s joy, most probably stating that the birth of a daughter brings joy to father and originates from a Hebrew name Avigayil. She was the 3rd wife of Moses.Abigail Johnston is the American swimmer, also an Olympics silver medalist in 2012. 90003 90008 2. Angele: 90009 90002 This name comes from the name Angelus and it is the feminine form meaning messenger of God. You can call your sweet little angel by this name. 90003 90008 3. Barbara: 90009 90002 This name has found its root in a Greek name Barbaros and means foreign. Legend has it that St. Barbara was a benefactor to designers, builders, and army. A notable bearer of this name is the Oscar-winning actress Barbra Streisand.90003 90008 4. Candy: 90009 90002 This name originated from the Cushitic word ‘kdke’ denoting queen mother and was a title which passed on with heredity for the queens of Ethiopia. It’s a smaller version of the name Candace or Candice. The American actress who proudly bears this name is Candice Bergen. 90003 90008 5. Christiane: 90009 90002 This name is the feminine form of the name Christian used in French or German and means the devotee of Christ. The famous German biologist Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard was awarded with the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1995.90003 90008 6. Eden: 90009 90002 This name comes from the Hebrew language, and it means a place of enjoyment resembling to the famous Garden of Eden. One of the proud bearers of this name is the American Barbara Eden, who is many talents combined into one, actress, stand-up comedian, and singer. 90003 90008 7. Emmanuelle: 90009 90002 This name was derived from Hebrew language and is the feminine form of the name Emmanuel. This name was borne by French actress Emmanuelle Riva. 90003 90002 90013 [Read: Exotic Baby Names] 90014 90003 90008 8.Eve: 90009 90002 The root of this name is the Hebrew word chawah (meaning to breathe) which gave rise to the Hebrew name Chawwah and from the came this name which signifies to live. She was the first lady ever to live on this earth, as per the Old Testament. This name was made popular by Emmy actress winner Eve Arden. 90003 90008 9. Faith: 90009 90002 The Latin word fidere which signifies to trust gave birth to the English word faith and from there this name came into existence. 90003 90008 10.Helen: 90009 90002 This name originates from the Greek name Helene, and it means the moon or a ray of light. Some of the most beautiful women from several fields bear this name, Helen Mirren being one of them. You can call your lovely newborn princess by that name. 90003 90008 11. Hannah: 90009 90002 As per the Bible, she was the mother of the spiritualist Samuel and is derived from the Hebrew name Channah signifying grace. This name has been made popular by the fictional character Hannah Montana.90003 90008 12. Holly: 90009 90002 This December girl name comes from an old English word holen, and it means tree or shrub in various languages. Holly Marie Combs was a famous actress. 90003 90008 13. Juana: 90009 90002 This name is the female name for the masculine name Juan and comes from the Latin name Iohanna. The beautiful and talented Juana Rosario Molina is an Argentine musician and artist. 90003 90008 14. Leah: 90009 90002 This name comes from the Hebrew name Le’ah, originating from the same Hebrew word signifying weariness.Sometimes this name also means ruler. If you want your little angel to have the attribute of leadership, you can call her by this name. 90003 90008 15. Lucy: 90009 90002 It originates from the name Lucia which is the feminine variety of the name Lucius. This baby name comes from the Latin word ‘lux’ meaning light. Some of the famed women from various fields share the unique name, such as the actress Lucy Liu, the better half of American President Rutherford B. Hayes, Lucy Webb Hayes among many others.90003 90008 16. Mary: 90009 90002 She was the mother of Lord Jesus, as per Bible. The Hebrew name Miryam who was the sister of Moses, gave rise to the Greek name Mariam or Maria and Mary is the diminutive form of this Greek name. This name is quite a common name and shared by the fictional character Mary Poppins, Indian bronze medalist in 2012 Olympics Mary Kom to name a few. 90003 90008 17. Naomi: 90009 90002 This baby girl name for December born comes from the Hebrew name Na’omiy which means beautiful.This name is somewhat common and is proudly borne by the actress Naomi Watts. 90003 90008 18. Natalia: 90009 90002 It is an ancient Latin name, and it signifies the Day of Christmas. The other form of this name is Natalie and two lovely actresses Natalie Portman and Natalie Dormer share this name. 90003 90008 19. Noelle: 90009 90002 This name is the English version of the Dutch name Noëlle which is the feminine form of the name Noël denoting Christmas in the French language. 90003 90008 20.Olympia: 90009 90002 The home in the mountains of the Greek Gods is called Olympos, and this name is its feminine form. 90003 90002 90013 [Read: Flower Baby Names] 90014 90003 90008 21. Sarah: 90009 90002 As per the Old Testament, she was the wife of Abraham and hence the meaning of this name princess, noblewoman derived from Hebrew word is very apt. The Emmy-winning actress Sarah Jessica Parker and the fictional character Sarah Connor from the movie The Terminator have made this name famous.90003 90008 22. Starr: 90009 90002 This name comes from the old English word steorra and is a different form of the name star. 90003 90008 23. Susan: 90009 90002 This name is a different form of the name Susanna, which comes from the Greek word Sousanna which is the other form of the Hebrew name Shoshannah meaning the flower lily or rose. No doubt that the beautiful actress Susan Sarandon bears this name. 90003 90008 24. Victory: 90009 90002 This name originates from the English word victory which that originally comes from the Latin word Victoria meaning to defeat.One of its variant forms is Victoria, and the famous Spice Girl band member and wife of footballer David Beckham, Victoria Beckham proudly bears this name. If you want your baby girl to be confident about life and have a positive fighting spirit, you can call her Victory. 90003 90002 Have you named your December-born baby recently? Share some of the unique names with other mommies here! 90003 90232 Recommended Articles: 90233 Was this information helpful? .90000 200 Remarkable Sanskrit Baby Names For Girls And Boys 90001 90002 A name is not just a combination of letters. It reflects one’s identity, heritage, and culture. Parents these days look for more than just a beautiful name. They want something more profound. And Sanskrit language is the best source for names that speak to your soul. 90003 90002 If you are looking for a name with a deep meaning, take a look at MomJunction’s collection of Sanskrit baby names. You’ll probably find what you are looking for! 90003 90006 Unique Sanskrit Names For Girls: 90007 90008 1.Aarunya: 90009 90002 Like other major cultures from around the world, the sun holds a pivotal position in Hinduism. Aarunya is a proof of this. It means the ‘first rays of the sun’. 90003 90002 90013 [Read: Latest Baby Girl Names] 90014 90003 90008 2. Abha: 90009 90002 Not all baby names in Sanskrit are long and complicated! Abha is a short name. It means ‘brightness’ and reflects the joy your daughter has brought into your life. 90003 90008 3. Abhitha: 90009 90002 Goddess Parvati reflects the feminine part of creation, according to Hindu mythology.She symbolizes strength, purity, love, and creativity. How about making your daughter Parvati’s namesake? Name her Abhitha, which means ‘Goddess Parvati’. 90003 90008 4. Aditi: 90009 90002 Most Indian girl names end with the letter A. If you are looking for a simple Sanskrit baby name that does not end with an ‘A’ try Aditi. It means ‘universal’. 90003 90008 5. Aishwarya: 90009 90002 The name Aishwarya has become commonplace, thanks to popular actress and former Miss World, Aishwarya Rai. It means ‘rich and prosperous’.90003 90008 6. Alisa: 90009 90002 The smart and sassy name Alisha peaked in popularity in the 1980s. It means ‘protected by God’. 90003 90008 7. Amala: 90009 90002 Here’s another name that is popular in South India. Amala means ‘the purest one’. 90003 90008 8. Amita: 90009 90002 The female version of the name Amit, the use of Amita is rare. It means ‘endless’ and will be a good choice for your daughter. 90003 90008 9. Ammanya: 90009 90002 Your daughter is your wish come true. In fact, her whole life will be full of good wishes that emanate from your heart and soul.Name her Ammanya, which means ‘wishes’. 90003 90008 10. Amodini: 90009 90002 Does the name Amodini sound interesting? Ambodini means ‘happy girl’. It is a good mix of the exotic with the trendy. 90003 90008 11. Anjali: 90009 90002 Anjali is one of those Sanskrit names that are being used in the US as well. It means ‘gift’ or ‘offering’. 90003 90008 12. Anila: 90009 90002 Looking for a nature-inspired name that also reflects your culture? Try Anila. It means ‘breeze’. 90003 90008 13. Anoma: 90009 90002 Anoma is one of the few Sanskrit names that would easily work in English speaking countries.It means ‘illustrious’. 90003 90008 14. Anvitha: 90009 90002 Who says that Sanskrit names sound old-fashioned? Anvitha is exotic and means ‘absorbed’. 90003 90008 15. Anuja: 90009 90002 The female version of Anuj, this name will be a good bet for the second or the subsequent child. It means ‘younger sister’. 90003 90008 16. Apeksha: 90009 90002 You look forward to everything new your child has to offer, her first steps, first tooth, etc. The name Apeksha sums up this beautiful sense of expectation, as that’s what it means.90003 90008 17. Asha: 90009 90002 This name comes from the Sanskrit word for ‘desire’ or ‘hope’. 90003 90008 18. Asmi: 90009 90002 Looking for a short Sanskrit girl name with a beautiful meaning? Asmi is the one we recommend. Perfect for girls who need to know that they matter. The name has a simple yet profound meaning. It means ‘I Am’! 90003 90008 19. Athulya: 90009 90002 All baby girls are special. But your daughter is one in a billion. Athulya means ‘incomparable’. It is grounded in tradition but sounds very exotic.90003 90008 20. Bala: 90009 90002 Bala, meaning ‘the little one,’ sounds like Bella. 90003 90002 90013 [Read: Popular Indian Baby Names For Girls] 90014 90003 90008 21. Beryl: 90009 90002 Meaning ‘gemstone’, Beryl has not yet made it to the popularity charts. Go for it if you want to walk the road less traveled. 90003 90008 22. Bhama: 90009 90002 Your little one has made your life brighter. Bhama means ‘filled with brightness, splendor, and luster’. An apt name for your little sunshine! 90003 90008 23.Bhumi: 90009 90002 Looking for a grounded name? Try Bhumi or Bhoomi. It refers to the earth and is a very strong name. 90003 90008 24. Bodhi: 90009 90002 The name Bodhi means ‘one who has attained enlightenment and supreme knowledge’. This unique name will help your daughter carve a niche for herself. 90003 90008 25. Bodhita: 90009 90002 Bodhita is a great option for families who are ready to step out of their comfort zone. The name means ‘enlightened’. 90003 90008 26. Chandana: 90009 90002 Chandana, meaning ‘sandalwood,’ is a great way to connect your daughter with her culture and tradition.90003 90008 27. Chandrabha: 90009 90002 We have tons of material describing the beauty of the moon. Name your lovely daughter Chandrabha, which means ‘light of the moon’. 90003 90008 28. Chitrangada: 90009 90002 Chitrangada is the name of warrior Arjun’s beautiful wife, from the epic Mahabharata. Chitrangada is a fragrant material. 90003 90008 29. Charusheela: 90009 90002 Beauty is surely not skin-deep. As a parent, it is up to you to teach your daughter the importance of inner beauty. The name Charusheela will help you in this regard.It means ‘beautiful character or personality’. 90003 90008 30. Chakrika: 90009 90002 Chakrika refers to Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth in the Hindu mythology. 90003 90008 31. Chetana: 90009 90002 Chetana (also spelled as Chetna), means ‘full of spirit’. It is a common name in India but still worth having it. 90003 90008 32. Dakini: 90009 90002 Today, women are no longer tied to the kitchen. They are liberated and free. Let your daughter dream big and touch the sky. Give her the name Dakini, which means ‘walk in the sky’.90003 90008 33. Darsatha: 90009 90002 In India, girls are now coming out from behind veils. Darsatha means ‘visible’. 90003 90008 34. Darshana: 90009 90002 The word darshan is used commonly in India. Darshana means ‘to see and behold’. 90003 90008 35. Deepkala: 90009 90002 Evenings are filled with a sense of accomplishment, after a day well spent. Deepkala means ‘evening time’. It is a nice baby girl name in Sanskrit with a very deep meaning. 90003 90008 36. Devanshi: 90009 90002 According to basic Hinduism, every being has a spark of the divine.Your daughter too is part of the eternal fire. Devanshi means ‘divine’ in Sanskrit. 90003 90008 37. Devi: 90009 90002 Hindu mythology is replete with strong female characters. In fact, Hinduism considers creation to be made up of both feminine and masculine forces. Devi means ‘Goddess of all’ and symbolizes the power of the feminine. 90003 90008 38. Dharithri: 90009 90002 The earth is our home, the provider of life. What better name for your daughter than Dharithri, which means ‘earth’? 90003 90008 39.Dhuni: 90009 90002 Dhuni is a poetic name, inspired by nature. It means ‘river’. In Hinduism, rivers are considered holy and the name Dhuni is also a symbol of life. 90003 90008 40. Dishitha: 90009 90002 Girls have dreams and ambitions. For these dreams to come true, your daughter will need focus. Name her Dishitha, which means ‘focus’ in Sanskrit. 90003 90008 41. Divija: 90009 90002 You have great hopes for your daughter. With the right support, she will reach new heights. Divija means ‘one born to perform great things’.90003 90008 42. Drisana: 90009 90002 The name Drisana, meaning ‘daughter of Sun’ symbolizes the strength and warmth of the mighty star. 90003 90008 43. Durga: 90009 90002 Durga is an important character in Hindu mythology. She is the destroyer of evil and symbolizes feminine strength. The name Durga means an ‘invincible woman’. 90003 90008 44. Dyuthi: 90009 90002 Dyuthi is a very uncommon Sanskrit name and means ‘one who is as bright as the light’. It is the perfect name for the little one who has made your life luminous.90003 90008 45. Ekathva: 90009 90002 Sanskrit is the language of the Vedas. According to the Hindu holy scriptures, the ultimate goal in life is to attain oneness with the divine. Ekathva means ‘oneness’. 90003 90008 46. Ekaparnika: 90009 90002 Ekaparnika is a great name for parents who are looking for a unique name for their daughter. It refers to Goddess Durga. 90003 90008 47. Elakshi: 90009 90002 They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Elakshi means ‘a woman with bright eyes’. An ode to your baby’s beautiful eyes! 90003 90008 48.Erisha: 90009 90002 Sanskrit is such an elegant language! It is no wonder that baby names in Sanskrit continue to rule the roost in India. Here’s a great example. Erisha means ‘speech’. 90003 90008 49. Gunanidhi: 90009 90002 As a parent, you worry not just about your baby’s health, but also about giving her the right values. The name Gunanidhi means ‘stockpile of good qualities’. 90003 90008 50. Gunjitha: 90009 90002 There is nothing prettier than the sound of nature. Your baby’s laughter is music to your ears.The beautiful name Gunjitha means ‘humming of the bees’. 90003 90008 51. Gomeda: 90009 90002 Who needs precious stones when they have a child as beautiful and precious as a diamond? Gomeda means ‘one who is like a gem’. 90003 90008 52. Hemakshi: 90009 90002 Does your baby have beautiful eyes? Name her Hemakshi, which means ‘golden eyes’. 90003 90008 53. Hiranya: 90009 90002 In India, gold is not just a metal. It is a symbol of wealth and purity. Name your daughter Hiranya, which means ‘gold’.90003 90008 54. Hritika: 90009 90002 The name Hritika not just sounds pretty, but has a sweet meaning too. It means ‘truthful’. 90003 90008 55. Ila: 90009 90002 Meaning ‘woman from earth’, this short name pervades with a sense of earthiness and simplicity. 90003 90008 56. Indira: 90009 90002 This Sanskrit name was made famous by the first woman prime minister of India, Indira Gandhi. Indira means ‘splendid’ or ‘beauty’. 90003 90008 57. Indu: 90009 90002 The moon is not just beautiful, but it is also the destroyer of darkness! Indu means ‘ight’ or ‘moon’.90003 90008 58. Kali: 90009 90002 Kali, the name of the Hindu goddess of destruction, would make a fierce name for your daughter. 90003 90002 90013 [Read: Names Of Hindu Goddess Parvati] 90014 90003 90008 59. Kalpana: 90009 90002 The name is dated but is still beautiful. Kalpana means ‘imagination’. 90003 90008 60. Kamini: 90009 90002 Here’s a baby name that deserves to make a comeback. Kamini means ‘desirable’ in Sanskrit. 90003 90008 61. Kantha: 90009 90002 Your baby girl is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen.What better name than Kanta, which means ‘gorgeous’. 90003 90008 62. Kanthi: 90009 90002 Kanthi is a great Sanskrit name with a simple spelling. It means ‘light’ or ‘lovely’. 90003 90008 63. Karvi: 90009 90002 Karvi means ‘shining’. It is an easy yet exotic name, waiting to be discovered. 90003 90008 64. Kashi: 90009 90002 Your daughter has brought a new light into your life. Name her Kashi, which means ‘radiant’. 90003 90008 65. Kimaya: 90009 90002 Kimaya means ‘divine’ and is the perfect way for your daughter to be aware of her divinity.90003 90008 66. Kirtida: 90009 90002 Kirtida means ‘giving fame’. It is an uncommon name but interesting and beautiful. Do consider it for your little princess. 90003 90008 67. Kusumina: 90009 90002 Flowers reflect the most beautiful aspect of nature. They also signify the birth of a new life. Kusumina is an interesting Sanskrit name and means ‘flowered’. 90003 90008 68. Lakshmi: 90009 90002 Lakshmi, the name of the Hindu goddess of beauty, abundance and prosperity, is used widely in India.90003 90008 69. Lalita: 90009 90002 This moniker sounds like Lolita. But Lalita has an unparalleled charm. It means ‘playful and charming’. 90003 90008 70. Lavanthika: 90009 90002 If you are a family of musicians, then this name suits your daughter. Lavanthika refers to a raga. 90003 90008 71. Lavi: 90009 90002 Why is that it is only girls who garner all the pretty names? This lovely name means ‘lion’. 90003 90008 72. Lavanya: 90009 90002 Here’s a Sanskrit name that is very popular in South India, but has not made a foothold in the rest of the country.Lavanya means ‘gracefulness’. 90003 90008 73. Madhavi: 90009 90002 Spring is the season of beauty and celebration, just like your daughter! Name her Madhavi, which means ‘born in springtime’. 90003 90008 74. Madhuri: 90009 90002 Are you a fan of the popular Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit? Then this name will have a special place in your life. Though common, Madhuri is still a great choice for girls. It means ‘sweet’. 90003 90008 75. Malini: 90009 90002 Here’s another popular Sanskrit name for girls that is still worth a million bucks! Malini means ‘aromatic’.90003 90008 76. Manisha: 90009 90002 Wisdom is often underrated. It is not something you learn from books. It comes with experience. Manisha is a beautiful name that means ‘wise’. 90003 90008 77. Manishitha: 90009 90002 You sent out a wish to the universe, and it came true in the form of your daughter! A blessed baby like her deserves a special name like Manishitha, which means ‘wish’ in Sanskrit. 90003 90008 78. Mitali: 90009 90002 The name Mitali conjures up images of a cute little girl in pigtails.It means ‘friendly’. 90003 90008 79. Mohini: 90009 90002 If you are interested in Hindu mythology, you’ll know about Mohini. She was the combined power of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu. Mohini means ‘enchanting’. 90003 90008 80. Mridula: 90009 90002 Mridula is a popular name. It means ‘gentle’. Let your little one be a gentle yet strong soul. The world needs a few such people! 90003 90008 81. Myra: 90009 90002 Looking for a Sanskrit name that has universal appeal? Try Myra. It means ‘sweet’. 90003 90008 82.Nalika: 90009 90002 An uncommon name, Nalika means ‘lotus’. It is easy to pronounce and spell. 90003 90008 83. Nandini: 90009 90002 The name Nandini never seems to be losing its beauty. It means ‘delightful’ or ‘pleasing’. 90003 90008 84. Nandita: 90009 90002 Here’s another pretty name for the joy of your life. Nandita means ‘cheerful’ or ‘happy’. The name is popular and common among Hindus in India. 90003 90008 85. Neela: 90009 90002 This Sanskrit moniker, meaning ‘sapphire blue,’ is popular in Africa.90003 90008 86. Nehal: 90009 90002 Are you looking for a different yet easy Sanskrit name? Opt for Nehal. It means ‘beautiful’. A pretty name for a pretty little girl! 90003 90008 87. Nirmuktha: 90009 90002 A true feminine name, Nirmuktha means ‘free of bondage’. The perfect name for a girl of this generation! 90003 90008 88. Nisha: 90009 90002 The night is like the mother in whose bosom we go when our dreams lie tattered. Nisha means ‘night’. 90003 90008 89. Nitya: 90009 90002 Here’s a pretty baby girl name for parents of this generation.Nitya means ‘perpetual’. 90003 90008 90. Ojaswi: 90009 90002 Looking for a nice Sanskrit name starting with the letter O? How about Ojaswi? It means ‘bright’. 90003 90008 91. Pakhi: 90009 90002 Pakhi is often used as a nickname, but can also work as a proper name. Pakhi (also spelled Paakhi) means ‘bird’. 90003 90008 92. Priya: 90009 90002 In India, this name is traditionally given to girls born in August. Priya means ‘beloved’. 90003 90008 93. Raaina: 90009 90002 Your daughter is no less than royalty for you.And a royal baby deserves a royal name. Raaina means ‘beautiful princess’. 90003 90008 94. Raga: 90009 90002 If you want a musical name for your daughter, Raga could be a great pick. It’s a musical term in the Sanskrit language. 90003 90008 95. Rohati: 90009 90002 Rohati means ‘to grow’. Growth is the only way forward. 90003 90008 96. Sachi: 90009 90002 Indra is the king of the gods, according to Hindu mythology. And Sachi is his pretty wife. 90003 90008 97. Shuchi: 90009 90002 There are many names that are still obscure, but sound extremely pretty.Shuchi is a great example. It means ‘pure’. 90003 90008 98. Thitiksha: 90009 90002 Tolerance is often given a negative connotation. But being tolerant is anything but negative and requires a strong will. Thitiksha means ‘tolerance’ in Sanskrit. 90003 90008 99. Trisha: 90009 90002 Trisha is a popular Sanskrit baby girl name and is trendy too. It means ‘wish’. Is not it wonderful how a few syllables in a name can convey so much? 90003 90008 100. Utkarsha: 90009 90002 Utkarsha is a classic Sanskrit name and sounds melodious.It is pretty unique and will make a good name for your daughter. It means ‘energetic’. 90003 90008 101. Vela: 90009 90002 Vela is a simple baby name meaning ‘shore’ or ‘coast’. 90003 90008 102. Venya: 90009 90002 If you are looking for a Sanskrit name that sounds trendy yet reflects your faith, Venya is the right one for you. It means ‘wished for’. 90003 90002 90013 [Read: Modern Hindu Baby Girl Names] 90014 90003 90006 Sanskrit Baby Boy Names With Meanings: 90007 90008 103. Aadit: 90009 90002 Aadit, meaning ‘peak’, is a wonderful name and will be perfect if you are looking for something that is not run of the mill.90003 90008 104. Aagam: 90009 90002 Some Sanskrit names for boys may sound ordinary and common, but hide great meaning inside them. One of these names is Aagam, which means ‘arrival’. 90441 90003 OriginAboriginalAfghanAfricanAfrican AmericanAkanAlaskanAlbanianAlgeriaAncient ArabicAncient EgyptianAncient GermanicAncient GreekAncient RomanAncient ScandinavianAncient SemiticAngloAnglo AmericanAnglo BritishAnglo FrenchAnglo NormanAnglo SaxonArabicArabic FrenchAramaicArgentinaArican HausaArmenianArthurianArthurian LegendArthurian RomanceAshkenazi JewAssameseAssyrianAustralianAustriaAztecBabylonianBagandaBahamasBangaliBanglaBantuBasqueBelgianBengaliBeothukBhutaniBiblicalBosnianBotswanianBrazilianBretonsBritianBritishBulgarianBurmeseCambodianCanadianCatalanCelticChamorroChechenChineseChumashColumbianCornishCroatianCyprusCzechDanishDominican RepublicDutchEast IndianEastern AfricanEgyptianEnglandEnglishEsperantoEstonianEthiopianEtruscanEweFarsiFijanFilipinoFinnishFlemishFrenchFrisianGaelicGaulsGeorgianGermanGermanicGhanaGothicGreat BritainGreeceGreek MythologyGreek PolytheismGreenlandicGujaratiGypsyHaitianHawaiianHebrewHindiHispanicHungarianIberianIbibioIcelandicIgboIndia nIndo EuropeanIndo SaxonIndonesianInuitIranianIrishIsraeliItalianJamaicanJapaneseJewishKannadaKazakhKenyanKikuyuKoreanKurdishLate RomanLatinLatin AmericaLatvianLebaneseLiteraryLithuanianMacedonianMalagasyMalawiMalayMalayalamMalianMandrinManxMaoriMapucheMapudungunMarathiMayanMedieval EnglishMexicanMiddle EastMiddle EnglishMiwokModern GreekMoldavianMongolianMythologyNahuatlNative AmericanNdebeleNepaliNetherlandsNew ZealandNigerianNordicNormanNorman FrenchNorseNorse MythologyNorwayNorwegianOld ArabicOld EnglishOld FrenchOld GermanOld GreekOld NorseOld NorwegianOld ProvencalOld RomanOld WelshOriyaPacific IslandsPakistanPaliParsiPashtoPersianPhilippinesPhoenicianPolishPolynesianPortuguesePunjabiQuranicRomanRoman MythologyRoman PolytheismRomanianRussianSanskritSaxonScandinavianScottishSemiticSerbianSerboShakespeareanShawneeShonaSicilianSindarinSindhiSinhalaSiouxSlavicSlovakSloveneSomaliSouth IndianSouthern AfricanSpanishSri LankaSwahiliSwedishSwissSyriaTahitianTamilTartarTeluguTeutonicThaiTh eodoricTibetianTigristiTonganTorahTswanaTupiTurkishUkrainianUnited StatesUrduUrhoboVietnameseVirginaWelshWelsh MythologyWest GothicWestern AfricanYiddishYorubaYucatec MayaZapotecZimbabweanZulu 90002 (OR) 90003 ReligionBuddhismChristianityGreekHinduIslamJainismJudaismShintoSikhZoroastrianism 90002 (OR) 90003 MeaningAdornedAttractionAuspiciousAwesomeBestBlueBraveBrightBrilliantCalmCelebrationCharitableCharmingChastityChiefCompleteConquerorConsciousnessConstantContinuousCoolCooperativeCourageCreationCreativeCreatorCrystalCupidCuriousDarkDearDeathDecoratedDelicateDelightDesireDevoteeDirectionDivineDragonDreamDuskyEmotionalEnthusiasmEqualEternalExcellentExpertFameFamousFavourFearlessFirmFirstFlameFluteFocusFragrantFreedomFutureGainGenerousGiftGloriousGloryGlowGraceGreatGuruHandsomeHelpfulHeroHighHistoryHolyHonestHonourHorizonHumbleHumidIdealIlluminatedImmortalIncarnationInfiniteInnocentIntellectIntelligenceKindKnowledgeLampLeafyLearnedLifeLuminousLustrousMatchlessMeditationMercyMode stNewNobleParadisePatiencePerfectPermanentPhilosopherPiousPleasantPlentyPraisePrayerPreciousPricelessPrideProwessPureQuickQuietRadiantRespectRestlessRichRighteousRisingSacredSageSandalwoodSecretServantShadowSharpShiningSightSilentSilkenSimpleSincereSmallSmoothSoftSongSoulSpecialSpeechStreamSuccessSupremeSurpriseSurrenderSwiftTenderThirstThoughtTreasureTriumphTruthUnionUniqueUniversalUsefulVictorVictoriousVictoryWaveWealthWelcomeWinnerWishWolfWorshipYoung 90002 Mine our huge database for that ONE RIGHT NAME 90003 90008 105.Aagneya: 90009 90002 The name Aagneya means the ‘son of fire’. 90003 90008 106. Adi: 90009 90002 Are you looking for a Sanskrit name that is not too complex? Try Adi, which means ‘first’. 90003 90008 107. Adhrit: 90009 90002 Vishnu is part of the holy trinity mentioned in the Hindu mythology. If you want your son to be like him, name him Adhrit, another name for Lord Vishnu. 90003 90008 108. Advaita: 90009 90002 Most parents today look for a name that will set their child apart in a crowd.If that is what you are looking for, Advaita will be perfect. It means ‘unique’. 90003 90008 109. Agni: 90009 90002 Since ancient times, the fire has held an important place in mysticism and religion. For Hindus, the fire symbolizes purity and strength. Name your son, Agni, which means ‘fire’. 90003 90008 110. Ajit: 90009 90002 Here’s a short Sanskrit boy name that is both strong and humble. Ajit means ‘unbeatable’. 90003 90008 111. Akash: 90009 90002 Some names just do not seem to grow old.Take Akash, for example. It means ‘sky’. 90003 90008 112. Amit: 90009 90002 Amit is a popular baby name in India. This beautiful name means ‘endless’ and is worth considering. 90003 90008 113. Anish: 90009 90002 You did not expect the birth of your son to change your life so much, did you? Today, your little prince rules the roost! So, give him a piece of royalty! Name him Anish, which means ‘sovereign’. 90003 90008 114. Anuj: 90009 90002 Here’s a unique Sanskrit baby name for a second child, Anuj means ‘younger brother’.90003 90008 115. Apoorva: 90009 90002 There are billions of humans on earth, but each one of them is unique. So is your son. Name him Apoorva, which means ‘rare’ in Sanskrit. 90003 90008 116. Archan: 90009 90002 You do not need to be a religious person to appreciate this beautiful name. Archan means ‘devoted to worship’. 90003 90008 117. Asav: 90009 90002 Asav means ‘essence’. This beautiful and unique name is still uncommon in India. 90003 90008 118. Ashvath: 90009 90002 Ashvath sounds masculine and is a great choice for little boys.It means ‘strong’ in Sanskrit. 90003 90008 119. Balaaditya: 90009 90002 The name Balaaditya means the ‘young Sun’. 90003 90008 120. Bandhul: 90009 90002 A very unique baby boy name in Sanskrit, Bandhul means ‘pleasing’. 90003 90008 121. Chahel: 90009 90002 The name Chahel is attractive. The sweet and short name means the one who is ‘good cheer’. 90003 90008 122. Chandak: 90009 90002 The name Chandak means the one who is like ‘the moon’. 90003 90008 123. Chandan: 90009 90002 Sandalwood is an important part of Hindu rituals.The aroma of sandalwood is not just pleasing, but is also considered a symbol of purity and chastity. Chandan means ‘sandalwood’. 90003 90008 124. Chandra: 90009 90002 The endlessness and mystique of the space may just be the inspiration your son needs. Chandra means ‘moon’. 90003 90008 125. Daiwik: 90009 90002 The name Daiwik for your baby boy means the one who is here ‘by the grace of god’. 90003 90008 126. Daksh: 90009 90002 The name Daksh means the one who is ‘capable’. It also refers to the son of Lord Brahma, one among the holy trinity.90003 90008 127. Dakshesh: 90009 90002 According to Hindu mythology, Daksh was a powerful country, ruled by a kind and just king. Dakshesh means ‘ruler of Daksh’. 90003 90008 128. Darshan: 90009 90002 Darshan, meaning ‘perceptive one,’ is one of the fastest rising Sanskrit names. 90003 90008 129. Deepak: 90009 90002 Deepak Chopra, the Indian American author and spiritual thinker can be credited for taking this name to the global level. Deepak means ‘light’. 90003 90008 130. Deo: 90009 90002 Are you looking for a short and unique name? Deo is what we suggest.It is short, sweet, and means ‘Godlike’. 90003 90008 131. Deodar: 90009 90002 Deodar is the name of the ‘god tree’, native to India. It means ‘divine wood’. 90003 90008 132. Deva: 90009 90002 Deva, the term used for a deity in Hinduism, is also a popular name with Indians. It means ‘one who wishes to excel’. 90003 90008 133. Deval: 90009 90002 Here’s another name for believers. Deval too means ‘Godlike’. It is a simple Hindu baby name in Sanskrit, fit for families who believe in brevity. 90003 90008 134.Dharma: 90009 90002 Dharma, embodying the principles of the cosmic existence, would make a fitting name for your son. It means ‘truth’. 90003 90008 135. Dhanush: 90009 90002 Dhanush is a popular name in South India, but remains obscure in the rest of the country. The name means ‘bow’. 90003 90008 136. Divit: 90009 90002 Here’s another beautiful choice for your son. Divit sounds good, is easy to pronounce and has a great meaning too! It means ‘immortal’. 90003 90008 137. Dvij: 90009 90002 Dvij means ‘born twice’.It is a short name that encapsulates all that’s beautiful in the Sanskrit language. Elegant and concise, Dvij is the perfect name for boys. 90003 90008 138. Eashan: 90009 90002 If you are looking for a name that is unique, but has a traditional meaning, go with Eashan, which is one of the names of Lord Shiva. 90003 90008 139. Edi: 90009 90002 The very short, sweet and unique name Edi means ‘healing’. 90003 90008 140. Ehimay: 90009 90002 This unique and beautiful sounding name Ehimay means the one who is ‘all pervasive’.90003 90008 141. Falit: 90009 90002 Looking for a Sanskrit name with the letter F? Falit means ‘productive’. 90003 90008 142. Gautam / Gotam / Gotama: 90009 90002 No matter the version you decide to use, here’s a name that will never lose its charm. Gautam refers to Gautama Buddha, and means ‘the bright one in darkness’. 90003 90008 143. Gandhik: 90009 90002 The name Gandhik means ‘fragrance’. 90003 90008 144. Ganesh: 90009 90002 The name of one of the most revered Hindu gods is used widely in India.It refers to the ‘god of the multitude’. 90003 90008 145. Girik: 90009 90002 Girik is another name for Lord Shiva. 90003 90008 146. Gyan: 90009 90002 This traditional name will teach your child the importance of education from early years. It means ‘filled with knowledge’. 90003 90008 147. Hanan: 90009 90002 The name Hanan means the one who is full of ‘mercy’. 90003 90008 148. Harij: 90009 90002 Here’s another interesting name for parents who like to be offbeat. Harij means ‘the horizon’.90003 90008 149. Harish: 90009 90002 Harish is a very common name. It means ‘King of the Apes’. 90003 90008 150. Harit: 90009 90002 If you do not care too much about meanings, this will be a good bet. Harit means ‘green’. 90003 90008 151. Harshad: 90009 90002 Your son is the very symbol of joy and happiness. His smiles can make your day and soothe your soul. Harshad is the perfect name for your little prince as it means ‘felicity’. 90003 90008 152. Idhant: 90009 90002 The bright name Idhant means ‘luminous’.90003 90008 153. Inas: 90009 90002 The short and very different name Inas means the one who is ‘capable’ and ‘sociable’. 90003 90008 154. Jagrav: 90009 90002 The name Jagrav means the one who is ‘awakened’. 90003 90008 155. Jai: 90009 90002 A simple name, Jai is very popular in India. Moreover, there is a very good reason for its popularity. Jai is easy to spell and has an awesome meaning. It means ‘victor’, ‘win’ or ‘success’. 90003 90008 156. Jaiman: 90009 90002 The lovely name Jaiman means the one who is ‘victorious’.90003 90008 157. Jitendra: 90009 90002 Jitender or Jitendra is an old-fashioned name, made popular by Bollywood. It means ‘winner of senses’. 90003 90008 158. Kairav: 90009 90002 The name Kairav ​​means a ‘white lotus’. 90003 90008 159. Kaivalya: 90009 90002 The very different name Kaivalya means the one who is in ‘perfect isolation’. 90003 90008 160. Karma: 90009 90002 Karma is the guiding principle of Hinduism. It is also a popular name in India. Karma means ‘destiny’. 90003 90008 161. Kiran: 90009 90002 Did you know that this traditional name was chosen by actress Kelli Williams for her son? Kiran means ‘ray of light’.90003 90008 162. Kumar: 90009 90002 This exotic name got a boost in the US through the movie Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle. It means ‘a boy’. 90003 90008 163. Kunala: 90009 90002 Who says all male names need to be overtly masculine and strong? Boys too are sensitive. Name your son Kunala, which means ‘water lily’. 90003 90008 164. Lakshanya: 90009 90002 The name Lakshanya means the ‘one who achieves’. 90003 90008 165. Lohit: 90009 90002 The name Lohit means the one who is ‘made of copper’ or the one who is as bright as ‘red’.It also means ‘Mars’. 90003 90008 166. Madhava: 90009 90002 Was your son born during spring? Name him Madhava. It means ‘born in springtime’. It is also a name of Lord Krishna. 90003 90008 167. Madhuk: 90009 90002 The beautiful name means the one who is like ‘a honey bee’. 90003 90008 168. Madhup: 90009 90002 The interesting name Madhup means the one who is like a ‘bee’. 90003 90008 169. Manan: 90009 90002 This beautiful name is finally finding takers! Grab it before it becomes too common.Manan means ‘thought’. 90003 90008 170. Mandeep: 90009 90002 If you want a time-tested name, Mandeep is the one for you. It means ‘light of the mind’. 90003 90008 171. Manish: 90009 90002 You’ll find a Manish in every corner of India. Yes, it is a very common name, but its popularity refuses to abate. Manish means ‘lord of the mind’. 90003 90008 172. Mitul: 90009 90002 Mitul is a good choice and means ‘being measured’. 90003 90008 173. Naren: 90009 90002 Naren sounds peppy, modern and exotic.It means a ‘superior man’. 90003 90008 174. Nihit: 90009 90002 All life is sacred as it is a gift of god! Nihit is a good name if you believe in the power of the divine. Nihit means ‘God’s gift’. 90003 90008 175. Nishant: 90009 90002 Nishant means ‘end of night’. 90003 90008 176. Pallav: 90009 90002 Meaning ‘new leaf’, Pallav symbolizes life, rejuvenation and hope. 90003 90008 177. Rachit: 90009 90002 The name Rachit means the one who is like an ‘invention’. It also means ‘written’. 90003 90008 178.Rajiv: 90009 90002 Raji 90003.90000 Sweden female names and meanings ▷ YEN.COM.GH 90001 90002 90003 Sweden is one of the few countries in the world that has enacted laws that govern naming of children. Looking at Sweden female names, they are pretty and beautiful names that any girl would thank her parents for. Although there are laws for naming children in Sweden, the traditional naming system plays a major role when it comes to naming. For instance, Swedish surnames end with ‘son’, which is part of an obligatory culture to give all Swedish born citizens a surname.This article is mainly on Sweden female names and their meanings. You will definitely find a suitable name for your daughter in waiting. 90004 90005 90006 90002 Sweden names, especially first names, are always presentable. This is because the law does not allow offensive names, those causing discomfort or even unsuitable names, to be used in the country regardless of whether the name is being given to a child or an adult who wants to change his or her name. 90005 90002 90003 READ ALSO: Popular Spanish male names with meanings 90004 90005 90013 Female names in Sweden 90014 90015 90016 Adela: This name has a German Latin form, Adala.It means noble. 90017 90016 Agata: Has a Spanish and Italian-Latin form, Agatha. It means good. 90017 90016 Agda: Agatha is its Swedish-latin form. It means good. 90017 90016 Agneta: It means chaste or holy. 90017 90016 Barbara: It means strange or foreign. 90017 90016 Batilda: It means fight battle. 90017 90016 Benedikta: It means blessed. 90017 90016 Bothild: It means revenge. 90017 90016 Cajsa: It means pure. 90017 90016 Charlotta: It means a man 90017 90016 Dahlia: It is derived from a flower name.It means valley. 90017 90016 Emelie: It means rival. 90017 90016 Fredrika: It is a Swedish / Norwegian feminine form of Fredrick. It means a peaceful ruler. 90017 90016 Freja: It means a lady or mistress. 90017 90016 Gard: It means enclosure or stronghold. 90017 90016 Gittan: It means one who is exalted. 90017 90016 Greta: Is a short form of Margareta from Sweden. It means pearl. 90017 90016 Gulla: It means war battle. 90017 90016 Helgi: It means holy or a person dedicated to gods. 90017 90016 Hillevi: It means a healthy battle maid.90017 90016 Ide: It means industrious. 90017 90016 Ingegard: It means Ing’s enclosure. 90017 90016 Inghild: It means Ing’s worrior. 90017 90016 Jannike: It means God is gracious. 90017 90016 Kai: It means pure 90017 90016 Kristin: It means one who follows Christ. 90017 90016 Linn: It means twinflower. 90017 90016 Lovisa: It means a famous worrior. 90017 90016 Malin: One who is of Magdla. 90017 90016 Marna: One who belongs to the sea. 90017 90016 Mia: It means rebelliousness or obstinacy.90017 90016 Mikaela: It is an exaltation of God brought out in form of a question «who is God like?» 90017 90016 Nilsine: It means people’s victor. 90017 90016 Oda: It means one who is deeply rich. 90017 90016 Ottalie: It means wealthy. 90017 90016 Pernilla: It means little rock. 90017 90088 90013 Female Sweden names 90014 90015 90016 Adahlia — This name means a flower or a noble person. 90017 90016 Agda — A person who is kind hearted with excellent qualities in relation building. 90017 90016 Bele — Is a person who roars 90017 90016 Briggeta — Is a female who is very strong 90017 90016 Caren — Is a woman who is pure and genuine 90017 90016 Duve — A woman with thrilling personality.90017 90016 Edeltrude — One with extremely great strength 90017 90016 Egefride — A blessed and peace loving person 90017 90016 Filippa — An inspirational person 90017 90016 Haifa — One who is well shaped 90017 90016 Jannickle — It means gracious God 90017 90016 Linn — A flower name 90017 90016 Ros — A woman with rose qualities 90017 90016 Sissela — It means being blind 90017 90016 Tuva — Beautiful and charming lady. 90017 90088 90013 List of old female names in Sweden 90014 90002 Names of Sweden female ladies can be put in different categories including the old female names in Sweden.Below is a list of names showing some of the old female names that you should know about: 90005 90015 90016 Abelle 90017 90016 Abbleka 90017 90016 Acelia 90017 90016 Adalissa 90017 90016 Aghada 90017 90016 Agneta 90017 90016 Alguna 90017 90016 Barbara 90017 90016 Barbo 90017 90016 Barbara 90017 90016 Bencta 90017 90016 Clara 90017 90016 Constantia 90017 90016 Dorde 90017 90016 Dordi 90017 90016 Ebba 90017 90016 Edela 90017 90016 Edla 90017 90016 Fastrun 90017 90016 Fastvi 90017 90088 90002 90003 READ ALSO: Ghana Event Awards nominees 2018 90004 90005 90015 90016 Felicia 90017 90016 Gerbog 90017 90016 Gerfridh 90017 90016 Hadhui 90017 90016 Hadwig 90017 90016 Haferdh 90017 90016 Ida 90017 90016 Iliana 90017 90016 Juliana 90017 90016 Jngeborg 90017 90016 Kadherin 90017 90016 Lena 90017 90016 Magga 90017 90016 Pernilla 90017 90016 Petronila 90017 90016 Radhborg 90017 90016 Ragna 90017 90088 90002 Old female names in Sweden 90005 90015 90016 Ragnborg 90017 90016 Ragnvi 90017 90016 Ragno 90017 90016 Rakel 90017 90016 Sara 90017 90016 Sibilla 90017 90016 Sigborg 90017 90016 Sighne 90017 90016 Stenfridh 90017 90016 Thiudhborg 90017 90016 Thora 90017 90016 Thorfridh 90017 90016 Thorgun 90017 90016 Ulfva 90017 90016 Unna 90017 90016 Valborg 90017 90016 Ybba 90017 90088 90013 Names of female Sweden ladies 90014 90015 90016 Ebba: Is among the very original Sweden names meaning queen of riches.90017 90016 Hella: Hegla is it variant name. it means blessed or holy 90017 90016 Tilda: It is a traditional name though very popular today. It means battle and strength. 90017 90016 Britt: Is a short form of Brigitta Scandinavia. 90017 90016 Kajsa: It is a variant of the name Catherine meaning little Karin (pure). 90017 90016 Ronja: It means one who always brings victory. 90017 90016 My: This is the twelve letter from the Greek alphabet. 90017 90016 Tyra: A feminine version of Tyr meaning god of battle.90017 90016 Svea: It means the realm of Svear. 90017 90016 Ingrid: It means ING is beautiful. 90017 90016 Liv: It means protection. 90017 90016 Sigrid: It is derived from two elements, sigri meaning victory and frior meaning beautiful. 90017 90016 Ida: Though it appears to be too feminine and quite delicate, its original meaning is work. 90017 90016 Siri: It means victory and beautiful. 90017 90016 Tuva: It means a bunch of grass. 90017 90016 Hedda: It means fight or war. 90017 90016 Astrid: It means strength.90017 90016 Moa: Derived from the word moder which means mother in Sweden 90017 90016 Signe: It is one of the Swedish names with superb meaning. It means having a conquering perception. 90017 90016 Greta: It is derived from the word Griota which means stony stream. 90017 90016 Pia: It means the most beloved. 90017 90016 Gunhild: It is derived from Gunnhild, which is an Old Norse name with two elements gunnr and hildr. Gunnr means war while hildr means battle. 90017 90088 90013 Top female names Sweden 90014 90002 There are female names in Sweden that most people prefer.This liking could be attributed to prettiness of the name or other factors like the naming system in Sweden. Below is a list of the top one hundred female first names starting from the most popular. 90005 90015 90016 Maria 90017 90016 Elisabeth 90017 90016 Johanna 90017 90016 Anna 90017 90016 Kristina 90017 90016 Margareta 90017 90016 Eva 90017 90016 Birgita 90017 90016 Karin 90017 90016 Linnea 90017 90016 Marie 90017 90016 Ingrid 90017 90016 Sofia 90017 90016 Marianne 90017 90016 Kerstin 90017 90016 Lena 90017 90016 Helena 90017 90016 Sara 90017 90016 Emma 90017 90016 Katarina 90017 90016 Inger 90017 90016 Viktoria 90017 90016 Cecilia 90017 90016 Monica 90017 90016 Susanne 90017 90016 Elin 90017 90016 Jenny 90017 90016 Therese 90017 90016 Anita 90017 90016 Irene 90017 90016 Hanna 90017 90016 Louise 90017 90016 Carina 90017 90016 Ulla 90017 90016 Ingegerd 90017 90016 Ann 90017 90016 Gunilla 90017 90016 Viola 90017 90016 Linda 90017 90016 Helen 90017 90016 Ida 90017 90016 Malin 90017 90016 Annika 90017 90016 Matilda 90017 90016 Ulrika 90017 90016 Elsa 90017 90016 Josefin 90017 90016 Annette 90017 90016 Sofie 90017 90016 Barbro 900 17 90016 Astrid 90017 90016 Anneli 90017 90016 Caroline 90017 90016 Alice 90017 90016 Julia 90017 90016 Siv 90017 90016 Kristin 90017 90016 Emelie 90017 90016 Karolina 90017 90016 Asa 90017 90016 Lisa 90017 90016 Camilla 90017 90016 Amanda 90017 90016 Madeleine 90017 90016 Yvonne 90017 90016 Britt 90017 90016 Erika 90017 90016 Agneta 90017 90016 Lovisa 90017 90016 Rut 90017 90016 Gun 90017 90088 90015 90016 Charlotte 90017 90016 Sandra 90017 90016 Rebecka 90017 90016 Berit 90017 90016 Frida 90017 90016 Maja 90017 90016 Alexandra 90017 90016 Ellinor 90017 90016 Isabelle 90017 90016 Jessica 90017 90016 Anna- Marie 90017 90016 Inga 90017 90016 Marta 90017 90016 Charlotta 90017 90016 Emilia 90017 90016 Ellen 90017 90016 Ebba 90017 90016 Ingeborg 90017 90016 Klara 90017 90016 Sonja 90017 90088 90002 90003 READ ALSO: Men of the Year Awards photos and winners 90004 90005 90015 90016 Birgit 90017 90016 Ann — Christin 90017 90016 Maj 90017 9001 6 Olivia 90017 90016 Pia 90017 90016 Gunnel 90017 90016 Mona 90017 90016 Lisbeth 90017 90016 Agnes.90017 90088 90013 Female names of Sweden 90014 90015 90016 Affton — meaning evening or afternoon. Derived from river Afton. 90017 90016 Agata — a good person at heart and in mind. 90017 90016 Bim — is a mighty female of the sea. 90017 90016 Bodil — is one when in battle will always find remedy. 90017 90016 Carin — a little and dear lady 90017 90016 Christana — is a woman who follows Jesus Christ teachings 90017 90016 Edrit — kind hearted woman who is very talented 90017 90016 Effe — she is well spoken and tells the truth always 90017 90016 Germund — mankind protector 90017 90016 Haidi — a stranger 90017 90016 Leva — it means to live 90017 90016 Marikka — a woman with turbulent personality 90017 90016 Ronja — it means a daughter belonging to a robber.90017 90016 Stina — a very good Christian 90017 90088 90002 Sweden female names are quite good. From the options provided above, you have the freedom of choosing a name that suits your child best. Find one that represents who you want your child to turn out to be and bless your choice with a blissful heart. 90005 90002 90544 90545 90005 90003 Subscribe to watch new videos 90004.

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